I've seen once

ну ты ваще!

somewhere. Is it related to "вообще" as the redirection to that word in Wiktionary suggests?

In that case, what is the whole thing? Since I feel like it's missing an adjective, does it mean something by itself? I'd expected "ну ты ваще дурак/умный!"

  • 2
    "Is it related to "вообще" as the redirection to that word in Wiktionary suggests?" - Yes, it is intentional mispronouncing and misspelling of вообще.
    – kotlomoy
    Oct 11, 2014 at 19:49

2 Answers 2


This phrase is an emotional exclamation. You are right, it's related to вообще and it skips the main word. This missing word is usually known from a context and an intonation. It can has either positive or negative meaning.


  • Ну ты ваще дебил! negative exclamation, noun is used.
  • Ну ты ваще молодец! positive exclamation, noun is used.
  • Ну ты ваще красивый! positive (humorous?) exclamation, adjective is used.
  • Ну ты ваще герой! positive (humorous?) exclamation, noun is used.

So my answer is: this phrase has no self-explanatory meaning without a context.


Actually this is a synonym for "Ну ты даешь!", wiktionary defines it as an exclamation when someone does something unexpected:

неперех., разг. делать что-то неожиданное ◆ Ну ты даёшь!

For instance, when a man in a typical businessman outfit suddenly makes a somersault a natural reaction would be "Ну ты даешь!".

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