What is the common translation for 'afternoon' in Russian language?

I've checked the dictionary and I found many options which some of them seems to be incorrect at all. Look at the attached picture. enter image description here

  • Это смысловое слово. Скорее всего Вам подойдет - "день" или "обед".
    – Natty_Ras
    Jul 23, 2017 at 7:49
  • So, which expression would a teacher use to tell the class "This afternoon we're going to watch a movie in Englisch class."? Mar 31, 2022 at 16:16
  • 1
    @Thomas, there need not be a definite exact translation. Russian day is divided differently to the English one, and people think differently about it. If it's before about 4-5 pm (but not in the morning, i.e. after 10-11 am), it would be "днём" [мы пойдём...]; if later (but before dark) - "вечером". The noon (полдень) is just less significant as a reference. It is possible to translate exactly (as the accepted answer suggests), but people don's say that as commonly (as "afternoon" is used in English).
    – Zeus
    Mar 31, 2022 at 23:49

1 Answer 1


Вторая половина дня is OK. In the afternoon - "во второй половине дня" (this part of day usually excludes evening) or - in less formal context - "днём" (this just excludes morning and evening). Пополудни is mainly used to specify time (functions as 'PM/p.m.'), e. g. в два часа пополудни (at 2:00 PM).

  • 4
    And "после обеда" ("after lunch") is a colloquial counterpart of "во второй половине дня".
    – AlexVB
    May 20, 2017 at 9:06
  • После обеда is typical for workplace context (common lunch time), it can mean either the second part of a working day or just the time immediately after lunch.
    – Alex_ander
    May 20, 2017 at 9:18
  • I agree that outside of contexts where lunch is firmly scheduled the expression is somewhat inaccurate, but I use it anyway.
    – AlexVB
    May 20, 2017 at 9:26

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