Not exactly. These are two verbs of the different aspect.
открыть is a perfective form, it denotes a finished action, an action that has reached its result.
— Хорошо бы проветрить.
— Я только что открыл окно.
— It would be nice to have some fresh air.
— I have just opened the window.
открывать is an imperfective form, it denotes an action that is taking place at the moment of speech (a) or at some other moment denoted in the text (b). It may also have other meanings such as a habit (c), a regularly repeating action (d), an ability or a possible action (e), or a "general fact" (f) (Russian linguists use term "общефактическое значение"). The meaning of a "general fact" is different from the meaning of the normal completed action in that it stresses the action. If you want to stress the result, use a perfective form.
— Хорошо бы проветрить.
— Я как раз открываю окно.
— It would be nice to have some fresh air.
— I am opening the window right now.
Когда она вошла в комнату, я открывал окно.
when she entered the room, I was opening the window.
По утрам он первым делом открывал окно в спальне.
Every morning the first thing he did was to open the window.
Я несколько раз открывал окно и выглядывал на улицу, но ничего необычного не заметил.
I opened the window and peeked outside several times, but I didn't notice anything unusual.
Наш кот слишком умный, он сам открывает холодильник.
Our cat is way too smart, it can open a fridge on his own.
Кто-нибудь открывал окно в этой комнате? — спросил детектив.
Has anyone opened a window in this room? — asked the detective.
Здесь холодно. Кто-то открывал окно?
- It's cold here. Did somebody had a window open?