According to the first person singularis is: "кладý" for the verb: "клáсть" but the TA (Teaching Assistant) has stated that it is: "кладум". Is there some old form that is presently used in first person singular for this verb that you know of?
Starling result:
Infinitive: клáсть
Present/future tense
Singular Plural
1 person кладý кладём
2 person кладёшь кладёте
3 person кладёт кладýт
What the TA has presented it to be: "клáсть: кладум, кладёшь; клал, клала" (everything but the first person singular seems to match up). My guess is that the clown got it right because he has induced a lot of typos and mistakes. I guess he is their best student.