I couldn't understand the suffixes(endings) of the words written in bold in the following sentence.
э́то мои́ но́вые Англо-ру́сские словари́.
Англо-ру́сские словари́
The adjective "англо-русский" is a single word. Therefore it has only one ending "-ий" (pl. "-ие"). Its first part should not be declined. The same holds with "русско-английские словари", for example.
But if it's written in two separate words then both are to be declined: "английские и русские словари" (note that it means a totally different thing though).
It means dictionary translate from English to Russian.Русско-английский
- translate from Russian to English.
Англо-русский словарь
- one diсtionary
Англо-русские словари
- many dictionaries