I learnt that the form of the number changes according to the gender of the noun.
Пример : Одна ручка (жен.) Две ручка (жен.)
Question : How do I construct the form of the number for три, четыре, пять etc.?
I learnt that the form of the number changes according to the gender of the noun.
Пример : Одна ручка (жен.) Две ручка (жен.)
Question : How do I construct the form of the number for три, четыре, пять etc.?
With quantities of 10n + 1, except for 100n + 11, use the single nominative: одна/девяносто одна/сто сорок одна ручка
, but тысяча пятьсот одиннадцать ручек
With quantities of 10n + 2, 3, or 4, except for 100n + 12, 13, or 14 use the single genitive: тридцать две/двести девяносто три/четыреста четыре ручки
With any other quantities, including zero, use the plural genitive: ноль/восемь/сто пятнадцать ручек
Note also how the numericals declense in each case.
The "miracles" happen only when the phrase is either in nominative or in accusative for inanimate.
Пример : Одна ручка (жен.) Две ручка (жен.)
Actually Две ручки, as the noun also changes appropriately (here it's in plural form).
How do I construct the form of the number for три, четыре, пять etc.?
Only numbers один (1) and два (2) are changed (and also numbers ending in 1 or 2, except 11 and 12, e.g. 21, 42 etc.). 3, 4, ..., 9 are not.
Thus you have to teach only the following:
один стол (masc.) - одна комната (fem.) - одно окно (n.) - одни стулья (pl.)
два стола (masc.) - две комнаты (fem.) ... два "everything else"
три ... "everything else"
(btw. "один" also means "only", so "одни стулья" pretty much reads as "only chairs")