Russia uses the short scale number-naming system.
Why is, then, "миллиард" used instead of "биллион"?
"Миллиард" (as opposed to "биллион") is used in the long scale number-naming system.
Russia uses the short scale number-naming system.
Why is, then, "миллиард" used instead of "биллион"?
"Миллиард" (as opposed to "биллион") is used in the long scale number-naming system.
As stated in wikipedia:
Слово «миллиард», имевшее вначале значение 1012, получило значение 109 (тысячи миллионов) в «Арифметике» Траншана (1558) и употреблялось во Франции в XIX веке наравне со словом «биллион».
In English:
The word "milliard", which initially had a value of 1012, acquired the value 109 (thousands of millions) in the Jean Trenchant's Arithmetics (1558) and was used in France in the 19th century on a par with the word "billion".
Russian language borrowed many words from the French language in those years.