It's going around that Putin said:
'Those who serve us with poison will eventually swallow it and poison themselves'.
Putin: “Those who serve us with poison will eventually swallow it and poison themselves.”
Putin: ‘Those who serve us with poison will eventually swallow it and poison themselves’
After Viktor Sukhodrev's mishaps with Russian translation I'm skeptical to accept it at its face-value.
Is this an accurate translation? What is that phrase that he used? What does it mean?
Or is this just another «Мы вас похороним!»?
edit: This seems to be the interview here: it's dubbed over in English though, not sure how hard that makes it to hear.
As quoted by facenews the original Russian seems to be:
"Те, кто капает куда-то яд, сами его и проглотят в конце концов, сами этим ядом и отравятся".
капает seems to be a form of капать meaning:
to drip, drop, spill
Where the English says:
serve us with
I'm quite confused what drip has to do with serving someone.