Вó сто крат is not considered outdated. Some dictionaries mark it as colloquial and some other - as bookish. It's an idiomatic set phase (meaning immeasurably), as opposed to в сто раз which is most often used as a literal expression and is also colloquially used for an exaggeration (usually, about countable things: зарабатывать я там буду в сто раз больше).
Speaking of outdated things, literal usage of во сто крат (where крат directly replaces раз and refers to numbers) can only be found in very old literature like Russian versions of Gospel:
... иное [семя] упало на добрую землю и принесло плод: одно во сто
крат, а другое в шестьдесят, иное же в тридцать.
As for your examples, the first one may sound too sophisticated for everyday speech while is OK in a letter, an article, etc. The second one ( with в сто раз) is a bit informal/colloquial/spontaneous and not suitable for something written, when applied to something that can't be expressed in numbers; гораздо or намного would sound better, applied to smth. like comparative 'amount of hatred'.