In a phrase
посадку на Луну предшествовали трениров
аочные полеты
The ending -у of the word "посадка" does not sound right for me.
What is the proper ending to use in such case?
In a phrase
посадку на Луну предшествовали трениров
аочные полеты
The ending -у of the word "посадка" does not sound right for me.
What is the proper ending to use in such case?
Corrected: "посадке на Луну предшествовали тренировочные полеты". Dative case used: "to which [Moon landing] something [training flights] was something [forerunner]".
Accusative is governed by another verb, synonymous to предшествовать, namely предварять
посадку на Луну предваряли тренировoчные полеты
Semantically they're not completely identical, but still can be used as substitutes of each other.