When used in a phrase such as "похоже на" and "вроде меня", "похоже" and "вроде" are not interchangeable. But how are they nuanced in the following instances?

Холод, похоже, ее совершенно не беспокоит.

Они вроде обычно не особо дружелюбны к чужим.

And how does "вроде бы" compare?

Они вроде бы чувствуют себя вполне комфортно.

  • Interestingly, "вроде бы" does not require a verb in the past tense, despite the presence of "бы". Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 10:53
  • it's because it doesn't turn the mood of a sentence into conditional, compare как бы, будто бы, якобы Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 14:56
  • @Con-gras-tue-les-chiens that's because it is a parenthesis, not a verb.
    – Elena
    Commented Dec 4, 2018 at 4:58

1 Answer 1


вроде is more informal but they're otherwise identical. Both mean that you do uneducated guess about other person's inner state.

вроде бы is no different and could be substituted too:

Они, похоже, чувствуют себя вполне комфортно.

It only adds one extra tiny mark of uncertainty.

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