Doch wir verteilen die nicht einfach an jeden Dahergelaufenen.

  • But they are too valuable for us to just dish out (left and right) to anyone who happens to come along.

We were having a conversation in German, and I was wondering how I'd express the same idea in Russian.

The word "Dahergelaufen / dahergelaufen" -- used either as a substantive or adjective -- comes in handy to convey the negative connotation of "doing something in a random, haphazard manner to just about anyone who happens to come along" -- as opposed to using the more neutral word "irgendjemand {anybody}".

1 Answer 1


первому встречному (-поперечному)
всем, кому ни пОпадя
всем, кому не лень

Они для нас слишком ценные, чтобы мы раздавали их первому встречному (-поперечному) / всем, кому ни пОпадя / всем, кому не лень

  • Do you use any of them in this example, too: "What are you guys chatting about?" "Sorry, we can't let just about anybody in on it." Commented Jul 18, 2019 at 14:45
  • 1
    @Con-gras-tue-les-chiens here i would sound really rude, and 'sorry' wouldn't mitigate it enough, instead i'd say Извини, но мы не можем всех посвящать в свои разговоры/дела | посвящать в свои разговоры/дела посторонних Commented Jul 18, 2019 at 15:54
  • @Con-gras-tue-les-chiens Раздавать\рассказывать и т.п можно направо и налево.
    – tum_
    Commented Jul 18, 2019 at 17:00

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