What is the difference between "у тебя всё хорошо?" and "ты в порядке?"?
Do you mean the question forms? "У тебя всё хорошо?" vs. "Ты в порядке?"– Ivan OlshanskyCommented Sep 13, 2019 at 6:57
@IvanOlshansky Yes– WorldLoverCommented Sep 13, 2019 at 7:22
This is actually to ask something like what is the difference between "Is everything alright?" and "Are you OK?".– shabunc ♦Commented Sep 13, 2019 at 9:10
3 Answers
There is little semantic difference:
1) "у тебя всё хорошо?" - is more about "outer" circumstances (like bank loans, home and work life)
2) "ты в порядке?" - is more about person himself (like health and well-being)
It's not a strict rule. This questions are quite interchangeable.
I would use "ты в порядке?" if someone has taken a fall, or if there's been a terrorist attack and I want to know they're all-right - all kinds of immediate circumstances. If I were asking about a person's general health, I'd still use "у тебя всё хорошо?" Commented Sep 15, 2019 at 20:54
1You are right in general, but you still can use both variants for both situation. And after terorists attack both questions can be asked in one phrase (my personal expireens of living in Moskow)– ksbesCommented Sep 16, 2019 at 9:08
The difference is that the latter expression is not Russian in origin and actually comes from amateur translations; it literally renders the English 'Are you alright/OK?' Typical Russian expression of that sense is: У тебя всё в порядке (хорошо)? The version Ты в порядке? while often used (definitely not by everybody) in the recent years, doesn't sound too sophisticated to me. If you google that expression in books, unlikely you'll find it in classical literature (most results come from books written in 2017-2019).
1I searched «ты в порядке» and «я в порядке» at Ruscorpora. Earliest mention is in «Некуда» by N. S. Leskov (1864).– user12019Commented Sep 13, 2019 at 16:33
1@Neith The only Ruscorpora's hit from the past ("я в порядке" from Leskov) is neither a question nor an example of the same sense: its usage is based on literal meaning. In that context, it's about a lady's appearance being in order (the character means she's almost ready to meet her guests and asks just to apply a pin: - А мужчины? - прошептала Женни. - Что ж, я в порядке. Зашпиль мне кофту, и пусть придут.) and by no means about being safe or having no problems (as in modern colloquial usage instead of "у тебя всё хорошо?"). The other results - mainly from 2000s (Dontsova/Marinina/Ustinova). Commented Sep 16, 2019 at 10:26
I feel that the most upvoted answer by ksbes is not complete. 1) is more general 2) is more time constrained to the immediate present and feels like a borrowed from English 'are you all right' father than a native idiom. Alex_ander provided a more native version of it.