I apologize for this question. In English, you can use terms like "small man" , "tiny man" etc to point to the size of someone's penis - as a method of shaming.
Can you say in Russian : ты маленький or мелкие to the same effect? Thank you.
I apologize for this question. In English, you can use terms like "small man" , "tiny man" etc to point to the size of someone's penis - as a method of shaming.
Can you say in Russian : ты маленький or мелкие to the same effect? Thank you.
There is an expression пиписька не выросла, literally, "(someone's) wiener hasn't grown yet", which means "wet behind the ears, inexperienced, incapable".
А с квадриками мериться — пока пиписька не выросла, очень уж они вёрткие.
— Товарищ старшина! У Вас пиписька не выросла делать замечания старшим по званию!
А она мне сказала, что у окружающих пиписька не выросла с ней спорить.
There are some euphemisms about small penis:
Of course, твой can be replaced to appropriate pronouns in each case like на мои 30 сантиметров никто не жаловался.
Please note also "у тебя еще [ничего] не выросло [to do something]" is a crude form to say "ты недостаточно хорош, [to do something]". Although someone could translate this like "you have too small penis [to do something]", there is more accent to "you can't" than to physical feature.
For example:
- [Антон] жениться вздумал? Женилка еще не выросла means that Anton is too young or too infantile to marry and женилка is about his ability to marry but not about his penis.