В носу́ - дательный, в голове́ - дательный или предложный? Is there a rule for this usage?
nope, you are supposed to memories some special usages like "в носу"– shabunc ♦Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 8:50
It looks like one syllable words go with dative. On the other hand, how do you distinguish dative and prepositional? They are the same. Даю голове, думаю о голове. Maybe it's just dative, period.– user1602Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 8:54
What's wrong with my question? Why is the downgrade?– user1602Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 13:24
@user1602: I didn't downvote it, but the premise of your question (в носу́ - дательный) is wrong.– Quassnoi ♦Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 15:58
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1 Answer
В носу, в голове is the prepositional case. In the old days it was a separate case, the locative case (местный падеж). Then it was combined with the prepositional case, because most of the forms were the same (о голове - в голове). But not all of them were the same! These forms in modern Russian are a special group of the prepositional case: в лесу, в снегу, в раю, в носу, на двери, на краю.
Their differences are as follows:
- The ending -у/-ю (-и for feminine nouns like дверь).
- The preposition в/на; by this feature they can be distinguished from the dative - the dative is never combined with these prepositions.
- The accent is always on the end; by this feature they also can be distinguished from the dative: к лЕсу (dat.) - в лесУ (prep. loc.).
- Their meaning is different from that of the standard prepositional form: в мИре (prep.) =/= в мирУ (prep. loc.), на крАе (prep.) =/= на краЮ (prep. loc.).
"Their differences are as follows:... - The preposition в/на". In your example, the preposition O. This is the preposition for the standard prepositional case with the ending -е (о носе). The locative form - в носу.– AtomaCommented Apr 4, 2023 at 15:17
I only know 6 cases in modern Russian, what's locative? Can a noun have two different forms in the same grammatical case? Are you saying в носу́ и о но́се are both forms of the prepositional case?– user1602Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 18:27
Please read my main answer again and you will know what a locative is. Yes, it can. В носу and о носе are both forms of the prepositional case.– AtomaCommented Apr 4, 2023 at 18:57