В (немецком) учебнике были примеры «Теплоход приплыл в порт вовремя» и «Теплоход приплывёт по расписанию». Однако наша преподавательница сказала что это необычно: она всегда говорила бы «Теплоход прибыл в порт вовремя. Теплоход прибывает по расписанию.». Она использовала бы «приплыть/приплывать» только о других судах, например с словом «лодка». Как вы думаете?
3 Answers
When I was about 10 years old, I took a ship-modelling class. We made scale copies of ships and learned maritime terms. On one occasion, our teacher taught us a phrase: корабли не плавают, а ходят. Плавает говно (shit). Since then, I have never used these words together - корабль (судно, теплоход, пароход) and плавать, only ходить - literally "to go". And such usage is typical for professional sailors. But ordinary people often say "теплоход плывет". Nevertheless I agree with your teacher. The phrases «теплоход приплыл в порт вовремя» и «теплоход приплывёт по расписанию» are acceptable, but sound sub-optimal, as if the vessel were a log carried by the current. In my view, it is better to say «теплоход прибыл в порт вовремя» и «теплоход прибудет по расписанию» - it sounds perfect! It is also possible to say «теплоход пришел в порт вовремя» и «теплоход придет по расписанию» but it's a bit like sailors' jargon or official terminology.
Поэтому и существует такая профессия, как капитан дальнего хождения.– MalcolmCommented Nov 1 at 12:11
Of course to say that the ship "приплыл" would be vulgar. Arrived! The ship has arrived. But for a boat "приплыла" is quite appropriate.
Since теплоход is a type of ship, I'd use приплыл. Both are acceptable, прибыл is more broad.
Thank-you. Is your preference based on Russian as you hear it spoken around you, and if so, do you think your location makes a difference? If it does, where is that?– PJTraillCommented Jul 11 at 12:41
I don't think it makes a difference. It is based on what I've read online on forums or heard in movies or TV shows. I only studied abroad in 1 city - Kazan, and this wasn't a topic that I've encountered. IMO it is similar шаурма/шаверма both are acceptable. If you want to know more I suggest reading some classics or maybe ru.wikipedia articles. But to my ear, these uses are equivalent and your tutor is needlessly complicating things. I've had one teacher tell me I should pronounce often without the 't' like ofen. its just semantics. As long as people understand and you don't sound weird ur ok– maxCommented Jul 11 at 15:48
3I think "Прибыл" has a note of following some sort of itinerary or schedule. Same word can be used for trains arriving at a platform.– Dan M.Commented Jul 11 at 16:47
You don't use the verb "плавать" (float) with ships in Russian, unless they have lost their engine and are just floating with the current. For a small boat without an engine it's acceptable.– VosoniCommented Oct 15 at 2:27