I would just use "реализовать себя" (реализоваться also works coloquially, but somehow does not sound exactly right) when it is in more general sense (i.e. to make one's life happier and more meaningful). Though, it does not work with cleaning the house, as it has nothing to do with spiritual need. But it works with things like travel, work, family, science, creative work, helping other people etc.:
Он пытается реализовать себя, достигая совершенства в работе / идеально
выполняя свою работу etc.
In a less "precise" language the following also sounds kinda OK: "Он пытается реализоваться, идеально делая свою работу".
Also "выразить себя" (to express oneself) may work if it has to do with the desire to find a way to express your personality in your life. Still.. Maybe it is not my business but it seems you are dealing with a long text of the abtract kind. You would be much better looking at the ideas in larger blocks and then rearranging them in Russian to make it for a more natural language. "find fulfilment" will never sound natural in Russian as there is no word of phrase specifically associated with such a construction (in all its uses). So you are aiming here for stilted language at best — and completely unnatural if you are unlucky to mess something up. However, in the longer paragraph it is much easier: you can use a more generic term in one sentence and then make the idea more specific and precise in the next one.