What is the correct response?
Besides "Спасибо!"
, which is the option number one, it's also used:
is almost likeспасибо
but is more sublime, expresses genuine thankfulness
and of course you can wish the same after all in return to a person if [s]he is also eating at the moment, by saying:
means"it's mutual."
: can be used standalone or afterспасибо
"[И] Вам также\тоже."
: can be said standalone instead ofспасибо
or added after like in this example:
"Спасибо\Благодарю! Взаимно."
or"Спасибо\Благодарю! Вам также\тоже."
Спасибо is indeed the right response. I can't think of the corresponding idiom in English (strangely enough), but the response to French bon appetit is the same merci.
What if your table companion says "приятного аппетита"?< Answer politely "и Вам/тебе приятного аппетита".<
More common answer will be "Спасибо, вам также".
Or impolitely "своё едим" ;-)<
I'm Russian, but I've never heard such sentence - it seems that it's out of use in modern Russian.
Some people look at that topic strongly.
Only treating person should say "приятного аппетита" entertaining to you. Say "спасибо" in response.
What if your table companion says "приятного аппетита"?
Answer politely "и Вам/тебе приятного аппетита".
Or impolitely "своё едим" ;-)
Or humorously "буду стараться".