According to the dictionaries, all three of these verbs mean to come to terms with a situation or fact or to resign oneself to something inevitable. Are they interchangeable or are there any important nuances to be aware of?
1According to the dictionaries, is this the only meaning for each of those? If so, you need better dictionaries. Seriously; no offense.– jwalkerCommented Jun 8, 2015 at 23:11
1Мириться - to come to peace with smb after a war/fight/argument/etc . Смириться sounds like 'completely примириться' ('при-' for incomplete action, e.g. 'прикрыть дверь'), and примириться is like 'to resign oneself to something inevitable or impossible' but 'for a while now, to give oneself a better chance with cold mind, in the future'. I don't think it's a dictionary answer, but quick explanation how I feel the difference between these three, so just a comment. Not interchangeable.– Alexey BurdinCommented Jun 8, 2015 at 23:57
@jwalker: maybe I didn't make myself clear. They all share the meanings given by me - AMONGST OTHER MEANINGS, but my concern is with their coinciding rendering of the meaning "to come to terms with something"– CocoPopCommented Jun 9, 2015 at 12:15
3 Answers
, imperfective, (1) to get to peace or (2) to suffer, tolerate something that one does not have an opportunity to change/meliorate
for the latter meaning:
*Он мирился с отсутствием горячей воды, но не с хамством уборщицы.
You can useтерпеть + Accusative
instead ofмириться с + Instrumental
, perfective, to stop fighting or resisting something, to refuse trying to change something, to get conformed
смириться со своим положением
смириться со своим поражением
, perfective, to get to reconciliation, on more equal terms with an opposing part than as with смириться
/ примириться
may be opposed (with some exaggeration) as to surrender / to find the way to deal with.
see also Quassnoi’s answer
"мириться с чем-либо" временно быть согласным на существование чего-либо, но иметь надежду на изменение ситуации в будущем.
"смириться с чем-либо" признать существование чего-либо как неизбежного факта без надежды на изменение в будущем.
"примириться с чем-либо" полностью признать что-либо, принять другую точку зрения, быть согласным.
Смиряться (meaning "come to terms with") is a Slavonicism which started to replace примиряться after 1940's.
It was occasionally used in Russian before 1940's (18 entries in the corpus against 669 for примиряться) but almost completely replaced примиряться by now in this meaning. Right now, примиряться mostly used in the meaning of "reconcile", with animate objects.
Before 1940's, смиряться was used mostly as an intransitive verb meaning to "to humble oneself".
Church Slavonic, on the other hand, used transitive смиряться extensively, meaning both "to come in terms with" and "to reconcile".
This passage from Elizabeth Bible in Church Slavonic:
Аще ли же разлучится, да пребываетъ безбрачна, или да смирится съ мужемъ своимъ
reads in Synodal Russian translation as:
Если же разведётся, то должна оставаться безбрачною, или примириться с мужем своим