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Questions tagged [звательный-падеж]

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19 votes
2 answers

Миш, Кать, Ань, пап, мам — what is it in an address?

When I am addressing someone and say: Кать, приходи в гости в воскресенье is Кать just a spoken reduction of Катя, or is it a separate grammatical form?
texnic's user avatar
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Can we call forms like "Зин", "Дим", "мам", "пап" vocative case?

Why Russian is usually said to have only six cases, while most Slavic languages have seven? The missing one - the vocative (звательный падеж) - is however clearly present, at least in the colloquial ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Examples of nouns in vocative case in usage

I know that there is a remnant of the vocative case in Russian (concerning mainly religious words), which is not often mentioned in textbooks. So far I know the religious vocatives "Боже!", "Иисусе!"....
swrutra's user avatar
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Did the vocative once have a different form from the nominative for (almost) all nouns?

Were there once vocative forms, different from nominative forms, of common nouns such as книга, буря, стол, место, мышь, имя, and if so, what were they? I realise that most of these probably died out ...
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