Questions tagged [значения]

Questions about the meaning of words or phrases that you couldn't find in a dictionary.

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Сколько уже можно ...?

Сколько уже можно болтаться там сзади? I assume this is more or less an equivalent of the English phrasing: How much longer {towards a point in time in the future} are you going to do ...? ... ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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How to interpret "кому какая легче дается"?

Я бы не сказала, что она сложнее сама по себе – кому какая легче дается. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the construction/meaning of this phrase, or more specifically, "кому" and "...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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How to interpret "которым больше семи веков"?

Как же здесь оказались книги, которым больше семи веков? I'm a bit stumped with this part... 1) Why use the dative relative pronoun "которым" rather than the nominative? 2) I suppose "больше семи ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
3 votes
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How to use the expression "с катушек"?

Интересно, слетит ли он с катушек еще раз? I wonder if this is a set expression with the meaning of: I wonder if he will go out of his mind and fly away once again.
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
4 votes
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Nuaces of meaning, depending on which part is in the instrumental case in "Последним его словом было мое имя"

1) Последним его словом было мое имя. 2) Мое имя было последним его словом . 3) Моим именем было последнее его слово. 4) Последнее его слово было моим именем. I'm assuming you can ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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4 answers

Is this "согласитесь" the Future or the Imperative?

Согласитесь, впечатляет: у ребенка, как я, свой бизнес! This is what a kid said. Given the exclamation mark, it's tempting to regard it as the imperative form: "(You must) Agree(!) that it's ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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Can a woman be тетка to her зять in any sense of the words?

A woman is not an aunt to her son-in-law, but does зять have an alternate meaning other than son-in-law, or тетка have an alternate meaning other than aunt, such that a woman can be тетка to her зять? ...
Lee C.'s user avatar
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Can you use "еще там" like "тоже" when enumerating things?

X. Ну и Y тоже. Ну и Z, да. Вино еще там... А! Context: A man asks his wife on the phone to tell him what she wants him to buy for dinner, and she enumerates several items, as they occur to her, one ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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"разбираться" vs "справляться"

Она оставила его разбираться с последствиями. Она оставила его справляться с последствиями. I wonder if "справляться" is about getting the entire process of dealing with a situation over ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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5 answers

Does "творить" – as opposed to the neutral "делать" – carry a negative connotation?

Она творила все, что ей вздумается. {vs}: Она делала все, что ей вздумается. I wonder if the verb "творить" in the sense of "do X" always carries a negative connotation. Is it ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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Difference between "хоть раз" and "хотя бы один раз"

1) Почему ты хоть раз в жизни не можешь сделать ... ?! 1+) Почему ты хотя бы один раз в жизни не можешь сделать ... ?! I wonder how these two phrases are nuanced. Incidentally, how do the ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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Приглушить мотор автомобиля невозможно?

Может, так было раньше, но в наше время мотор автомобиля можно только выключить, т.е. заглушить. Что имеют в виду, говоря "приглуши" мотор?
J. Doe's user avatar
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Nuances between "врать" and "лгать"

Врать не буду, ... Лгать не буду, ... I wonder how these two synonyms are nuanced or if they are simply interchangeable in these two instances. лгать мне прямо в глаза врать мне прямо в глаза
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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"отделаться" vs "избавиться": When to use which one?

Не могу отделаться от мысли, что ... Не могу избавиться от мысли, что ... In the phrase above, I feel more comfortable using "отделаться", while in the following phrase I opt for "...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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Nuances between "ничего себе" and "надо же"

Ничего себе, тебе удалось ... Надо же, тебе удалось ... On the surface, they appear to be synonyms used to express your surprise, "wow", but how are they nuanced? I'm assuming that you use &...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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Nuances between "что это за серьги" and "что там с этими серьгами"

Care to explain what's the deal with these earrings, why such a fuss? I wanted to express this idea in Russian. How are these two expressions nuanced here? I wonder if "что там с ..." ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
2 votes
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Nuances between "отчего/почему/зачем/откуда/куда шум"

Care to explain what's the deal with these earrings, why such a fuss? I wanted to express this idea in Russian. I wonder which interrogative adverb is best suited for this context and how they are ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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Nuances between "распугивать" and "отпугивать"

Вы мне клиентов распугиваете. Вы мне клиентов отпугиваете. Am I correct in assuming that the prefix "от-" simply conveys the idea of someone moving away from a place, whereas the suffix &...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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How polite does this construction sound: "Шли бы вы куда еще?"

Шли бы вы куда еще, а? Imperfective Past + "бы" + Subject Given the presence of "бы" accompanied by the conditional past, is it close to: If you guys could go somewhere else, hum? Incidentally, ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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Nuances between "лишь", "только" and "просто"

Я старалась лишь передать тебе ... Я старалась только передать тебе ... Я старалась просто передать тебе ... In this context, for instance, do you perceive any nuance between them? How can I ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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What is the function/meaning of "Так, < Name >"?

Woman: Если это касается XXX, я буду через минуту. Man: Так, Вероника. (This is an urgent matter that requires your immediate attention.) The following two meanings came to mind, but neither seems to ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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Does the phrasing "Создавалось ощущение, будто ..." impart an impersonal and less subjective sense similar to "it looked/sounded/seemed like"?

Создавалось ощущение, будто все мои немногочисленные знакомые в этом мире являются участниками огромного заговора, цель которого – свести меня с ума. I'm assuming that the use of the imperfective "...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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Difference between "бренчать" and "тренькать"

can anyone explain to me the difference between these words, and maybe наматывать as well? I was doing guitar-vocab, and my usual resources seem to be drawing a blank.
user173361's user avatar
5 votes
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Use of "да" instead of "и"

In Mussorgsky's operas Boris Godunov and Khovanshchina it strikes me how often "да" (usually meaning "yes") is used as a substitute for "и" ("and"). Is that how they normally spoke in the late 19th ...
ngn's user avatar
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What is the function of "Ну и" at the start of conversation?

Ну и денек выдался в минувшую субботу! I assume these two words are not to be interpreted literally as "Well and". When do you use "Ну и" like this at the start of conversation?
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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The difference between 'схожу' and 'спускаюсь'

What's the difference between Я схожу вниз по лестнице/ по трапу. and Я спускаюсь вниз по лестнице/ по трапу. Are there any subtle differences in meaning?
brilliant's user avatar
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What kind of day does "денек выдался" refer to, exactly?

Ну и денек выдался в минувшую субботу! I'm assuming it literally means "my/our little day stood out from others. It was special somehow", but its precise meaning eludes me. It's been an ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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Nuances between "навстречу / в / на" as a preposition following the verb "отправиться"

отправиться навстречу приключениям Given the meaning of the base word "встреча", I'm assuming that "отправиться навстречу" is somewhat nuanced compared to "отправиться в / на&...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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"плеваться желчью в кого-н": Is this a colloquial figurative expression to refer to someone arguing furiously?

плеваться желчью в кого-н Is this expression usually used figuratively rather than in a literal sense? On another note: Why does "желчь" take the instrumental case here, instead of the accusative? ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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When to use "такой", "какой" or "так" respectively for emphasis?

I'm a bit fuzzy on the usage of these three words -- specifically when they are used for emphasis in the sense of "so much / such". How are these two nuanced: 1) Такая жара! {vs} Какая жара! Is ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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"опробовать" vs "попробовать"

Context: They're talking about some newly developed equipment. Опробуй их разок, а? The speaker used "опробовать", but how does "попробовать" compare? Попробуй их разок, а? Given that the ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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Does "это не значит, что я стану ..." express a determined refusal like "я не стану ..."?

Я не стану тебя слушаться. As I understand it, when "не" directly qualifies the verb "стать", the phrase expresses a determined refusal to do something: "not going to do / not about to do". {vs}: ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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What does the expression "(и вот) в один прекрасный день" intend to convey?

И вот в один прекрасный день ты начинаешь осознавать, что влюблена в него. I get the feeling that this (fixed) expression is not about the weather being literally "прекрасный / beautiful / nice" ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
5 votes
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When (and when not) can you replace "очень" with "сильно"?

он сильно занят vs: он очень занят I assume that in this specific instance you can swap "очень" with "сильно" in the sense of "very much". However, given that "...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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When to use "подви́гаться" and when to use "подвига́ться"?

It did me a lot of good to move my body a little after sitting for one whole day. I assume that with this specific meaning you should use "(немного) подви́гаться", but how does "подвига́ться" compare?...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
6 votes
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"последствие" vs "следствие"

Мне наплевать на последствия. vs: Мне наплевать на следствия. On the surface, they both seem to mean "consequence", the sense presumably originating from the word "след/track/footprint&...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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When to use "оплата" and when to use "плата"?

I wonder how these two synonyms are nuanced in each of the following four instances? I suppose some of them sound odd. Case 1: получать плату за работу получать оплату за работу Case 2: получать ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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The undertone of the phrase "никак не получится"

Я с радостью помогу. Только работать постоянно никак не получится. I'm trying to grasp the undertone of this phrase. Does it mean: Try as I might, working full-time just won't work out for me in any ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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Difference in usage: "чувство" vs "ощущение" vs "впечатление"

У меня (такое) чувство, что/будто я ... У меня (такое) ощущение, что/будто я ... У меня (такое) впечатление, что/будто я ... I cannot figure out on my own how these three synonyms differ in usage ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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How does the expression "мало ли" mean what it does?

Don't just swallow anything they throw at you! Мало ли какие слухи про нее ходят... I assume the sentence means: You never know / Who knows what kind of (unreliable) gossip may be circling around ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
10 votes
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Meaning of "кагбе пыщъ"?

What does this mean? "короче кагбе пыщъ" As I asked a remote developer about delivery of my app project. Never heard anything more from him. Hope it is not a deadly decease.
J. Doe's user avatar
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How to interpret "Остается только одно: {infinitive}"?

Значит, остаётся только одно: смотреть, что произойдёт дальше. I assume the literally translated "only one thing remains" doesn't quite cut it here. Is it more like "there's only one thing left to do"...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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To say "It will mean a lot to me": "много значить" vs "многоe значить"

Спасибо. Для меня это будет много значить. Спасибо. Для меня это будет многое значить. I wonder how the adverb "много" and the pronoun "многое" differ in meaning and usage in this ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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Interpretation of "по одному"

What is the function of по одному in the following sentence? Брежнев ехал на машине по одному из московских проспектов I did some research and apparently it means one at a time, that doesn't ...
Trey's user avatar
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How do these two carry nuances of meaning: "Давай узнаем, не ... ли ..." vs. "Давай узнаем, ... ли ..."?

Давай узнаем, не вернулись ли остальные. {vs}: Давай узнаем, вернулись ли остальные. I wonder if the first version with "не" is working on the assumption that they're probably already back, ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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How to interpret "будто тебе плевать"?

Не притворяйся, будто тебе плевать. === Don't act like you don't care. I'm not sure how this phrase ultimately translates as "not care". I assume the omitted subject in the "будто" subordinate clause ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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до поры до времени

How would you typically translate до поры до времени, and how is it different from a less idiomatic phrase like в данное время?
spoko's user avatar
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Difference in usage between "сюда", "здесь", and "тут"

Поэтому я приехала сюда. {X}: Поэтому я приехала тут. {X}: Поэтому я приехала здесь. I wonder why you can only use the adverb "сюда" in this instance, although all three seem to share the ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
5 votes
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How to interpret "некого" in "чем от некого короля"?

От него гораздо больше толку, чем от некого короля! {my literal translation}: From him (we get) a lot more use than from a certain king. The only meaning of the word "некого" that I'm aware ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
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How to interpret the phrase "Я тоже в долгу не оставалась"?

Я тоже в долгу не оставалась. I wonder if this is an idiomatic phrase that either means paying someone back for something bad or repaying someone for something good, depending on context?
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar

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