Questions tagged [орфография]

The correct way of spelling a word according to the standard in a given language.

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2 answers

Why are there two н's in «c мороженной формой» and not just one?

Из-под сена виднелись: самовар, кадка с мороженной формой и ещё кой-какие привлекательные узелки и коробочки. Why is there a double -нн- in the word „мороженной“? And, more importantly, what rule is ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Declension of cвитер [duplicate]

While studying I encountered this word 'cвитер' and then I wondered why there were two forms of the plural for all the declensions. Does anyone know if this is from the old or the new orthography, ...
aitía's user avatar
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Old orthography всѣ, все, всё and издалека vs издалёка

It's redundant to write the two dots above the е in the word все in old orthography (because when it isnt a ё sound, ѣ is written), so why do some old russian bibles do it still? Some places they ...
Lancetier's user avatar
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Понимание чего-то(,) как чего-то

Нужна ли запятая в данном обороте перед "как"? Под какое правило можно подвести этот случай? Контекст: Я давно подхватил выражение: бодрят победы, а война быстро утомляет. Безусловно, ...
Alexander Demidov's user avatar
1 vote
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Epenthetic л: why there is no л in the conjugation of the verb звать between the в and the ё in зовёшь, зовёт, зовём and зовёте?

I understand that an epenthetic л should always appear between any of the five labial consonants б, п, м, ф and в and the sound /j/ (except in front of the sound /ja/), so that, for example, in the ...
Xavier's user avatar
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First conjugation verbs and first person singular in -ю or in -y ? What is the phonological or orthographical underlying rule?

It seems that for first conjugation verbs (or -e- conjugation verbs i.e. those with endings in -ю/-у, -ешь, -ет, -ем, -ете, -ют/ут), the -y ending is always used at the first person singular after any ...
Xavier's user avatar
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Exact rules governing consonant changes as seen in the first person singular in verb conjugations

Apparently, in verbs ending in -ить (but maybe others are also concerned), the last letter of the stem for the first person singular changes according to the following pattern: д becomes ж as in ...
Xavier's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the history behind the word биткоин, why does it have И before Н?

People generally write it with И, not Й. Example: "Почему один биткоин так дорого стоит?" link 1 Furthermore, I decided to consult an orthographic (spelling) dictionary, and it confirmed ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Слова, пишущиеся через дефис, считаются одним словом или двумя?

Всегда интересовал данный вопрос. Если что-то пишется через дефис, то данная комбинация букв и дефиса считается одним словом или же двумя? Для примера я хотел бы рассмотреть правописание частиц -то и -...
Alexander's user avatar
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Сколькими способами в русской орфографии может быть обозначена фонема [щ'] /ɕː/?

Есть авторы учебников, которые везде оперируют понятием «звук». Например, Литневская. Но, вероятно, правильнее говорить «фонема». Итак, сколькими различными способами, согласно русской орфографии, ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Почему пишется мягкий знак в названии молдавского села Бубуечь?

Вот ссылка: Есть такое село в Молдавии. С другой стороны, вот правила употребления мягкого знака после шипящих: § 75. После ...
Alexander's user avatar
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"Свежеструганые доски" or "свежеструганные доски"?

Театральные подмостки Для таких, как мы, бродяг, Свежеструга(н, нн)ые доски, Занавески на гвоздях. This portion of 1991 Russian song («Бродячие артисты») made me think of Н-НН orthography of Russian ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Why is Max Verstappen's last name transliterated with a Ф ('F') instead of a В ('V')?

Russian news articles about Formula 1 driver Max Verstappen, for example this recent one, always seem to transliterate his last name as Ферстаппен instead of (what I would expect) Верстаппен. What is ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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How do you choose between "о" and "ё" after sibilants for neologisms?

Let us imagine a poor student who considers that a voltage measuring device is called напряжометр (stressed О). Of course it's wrong; the correct word is вольтметр (voltmeter). My question is: how do ...
Alexander's user avatar
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How is the choice made by Nicholas II between "также" and "так же" in his Language Manifesto of 1900 correct?

In his Language Manifesto of 1900, Nicholas II of Russia wrote: Вмѣстѣ съ тѣмъ приняты во вниманіе потребности частныхъ лицъ, коимъ и впредь обезпечена возможность обращаться въ правительственныя ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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Why "вести" but "веду"

Let's compare three verbs and their first person singular forms: нести - несу везти - везу вести - веду Is there a particular reason why, in вести, the с turned into д ? Is there any intuitive ...
Matti P.'s user avatar
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Как писать прилагательное, образованное от имени собственного?

Рельсы — имя собственное, образованное от название технологии Ruby on Rails. Я учу Рельсы. Рельсы пишем с прописной (большой) буквы. А как писать: «Я люблю рельсовую реализацию моделей»? С одной ...
Сергей Блохин's user avatar
12 votes
8 answers

Why do Russians sometimes spell "жирный" (fatty) as "жырный"?

I noticed that Russians sometimes incorrectly spell жирный as жырный, even despite that the rule "spell жи and ши with и" is one of the most basic Russian orthography rules. I also see that ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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Why was it decided in 1956 to abolish the spelling чорт (devil) in favor of чёрт?

I read in Wiktionary: чорт This spelling of the word was officially abolished in 1956 in favor of чёрт and is no longer in use. Both variants are pronounced identically. (Source) I see in Ngram ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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Is there a universally accepted set of Russian grammar rules?

Let's suppose that I am having an argument with someone about how to properly write a Russian word (e.g., прожжёный мошенник vs. прожжённый мошенник) or whether a comma should be put in a certain ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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6 answers

Why is the Turkish president's surname spelt in Russian as Эрдоган, with г?

I recently got puzzled as to why the Russian journalists spell the surname of the current Turkish president as Эрдоган, with г. We spell his surname as エルドアン, which does not include any sound similar ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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4 answers

Are there any common words with the syllable "кы"?

Some time ago a Russian academic visitor told me that there are no "normal" Russian words with the syllable кы. He said that the only words with the syllable кы are proper names given by non-Russian ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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4 answers

Should "йе" after vowel be pronounced [jje]?

я, ю, е letters are pairs for а, у, э, and, мае should be read maje, and майе should be read majje, like it happens with мая and майя - maja and majja. Right? I, personally, think that э is a ...
qdinar's user avatar
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Tире или дефис в "сервис - конкурент"?

В фразе "Cмогли бы создать сервис-конкурент?", где сервис-конкурент означает "сервис, который является (являлся бы) конкурентом - нужно ли тут писать тире или дефис?
qdinar's user avatar
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Why are the dotted i (І/і) and yi (Ї/ї) from Ukrainian not present in Russian?

I've noticed the absence of the dotted i (І/і) as well as yi (Ї/ї) in the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Why are these two letters not shared when they're vowels that are fundamental in Ukrainian?
aitía's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

в чдачах и в нечдачах

А есть на этойм плакате несколько слов, незнакомые мне, и которых не найдётся б в словарях. Суть в чдачах и в нечдачах (разве это просто опечатка? имелось слово "удачах" ввиду?) чничтожим (разве это ...
Omar and Lorraine's user avatar
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"C днем рождения" или "Co днем рождения"? [closed]

Could you please tell me whether people say "C днем рождения" or "Co днем рождения" ? And why. Thank you very very much. Best wishes, Peter
user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Why is the letter "г" in some Russian words pronounced [v]?

We all agree that the letter г in Russian is equivalent to g in English. But why is the letter г in some Russian words pronounced [v]? For example: сегодня = pronounced as if it is written: севодня ...
Influx's user avatar
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What kind of Russian orthography is this?

This is a screenshot from Tchaikovsky's Harmony textbook: (from page 5 of an 1897 edition — link to PDF) And here is a transcription: Ученіе объ интерваллахъ. Хотя предполагается, что приступающій ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Help with a Kazakh postal address [closed]

I want to send a card to a friend in Kazakhstan. The address as she once gave me is: Kostanai city, Abaya 9/1, 1 "B" and I believe the postal code is 110005 (but may be wrong). From my looking ...
Pedro's user avatar
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16 votes
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Why did "он" suddenly become so much more common?

In the case of English, "she" was used much less than "he", and it still hasn't caught up. In Russian, it looks as if the translation of "he" almost didn't exist, until around 1915. What happened?
Ngrammer's user avatar
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со днём vs. с днём

I'm aware that о is added to some prepositions for historical reasons in some combinations (со дня, ко мне, во сне, etc.). A student recently asked why we usually say с днём рождения instead of со ...
Curt's user avatar
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6 answers

Question about spelling "чьё/чья/чьи"

As far as I understand, "ч" is always soft. The letter "ь" usually denotes that the preceding letter is soft. These two facts together seem to imply that the combination "чь" (just like "щь") would/...
Chill2Macht's user avatar
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Дефис: «процедурно сгенерированный» или «процедурно-сгенерированный»?

Нужен ли дефис во фразе «процедурно(-)сгенерированный» (от термина «процедурная генерация»)? Если что, это перевод английского "procedurally generated".
Zaqq's user avatar
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Какой вопрос задавать к слову получится?

Какой вопрос задавать к слову "получится" в предложении "Получится ли?" для проверки "-тся/-ться"?
jokelocker's user avatar
7 votes
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Запятая в обороте "братан верный как пёс"

Перед союзом "как" запятая не ставится, если оборот входит в состав фразеологизма. "Верный как пёс" по всей видимости является фразеологизмом. Тогда во фразе "У меня есть ...
Amir's user avatar
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What is the use of the soft sign in front of (soft-indicating) vowels, in words like "компьютеры" and "пьёт"?

I was told that the soft sign makes the preceding consonant soft. I understand why it used at the end of words (царь, гулять, здесь) or before consonants (огоньки, письмо). But why is the soft sign ...
Pertinax's user avatar
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What are the origins of the чу/щу rule?

Whenever I see a quotation from the medieval chronicles (or even later sources like the time of Tsar Alexey), ч is followed by ю every single time. When and how did the rule change?
Alexey's user avatar
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Writing "o" or "a"

Please tell me if there are any rules for writing "o" or "a" in a Russian word. Meaning, if a pronounced word has many "a" how do you know if any of them and which one of them is written as "o"(...
marias's user avatar
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Как пишется "неподавшие документы лица"?

"Неподавшие" пишется слитно или раздельно? Предложение: Сделать что-то с лицами, неподавшими документы на оформление пропуска"
Zeolite's user avatar
1 vote
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Как правильно пишется "Сиэттл?"

Через две буквы "т" или одну? То есть, на наших колоколах в соборе пишется через две, а в лишь через одну. В Сиэттле живу, и постоянно вижу эти разные способы.
JohnS's user avatar
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"Нечищеный" или "нечищенный"

Согласно информации о правописании бесприставочных прилагательных и причастий с -н- и -нн-, которую я нашел в Интернете, прилагательные должны писаться с -н-, а причастия - с -нн-. Например, чищеный ...
AnT stands with Russia's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to write out the date in russian for a tattoo [duplicate]

How to write April seventeenth two thousand fifteen in Russian, im trying to figure out a interesting way to get a tattoo of the date my grandmother died
danielle kaz's user avatar
1 vote
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Нужно ли писать слово Указ с заглавной буквы?

Traditionally, the capital letter is very rarely used in Russian. Even the language itself, русский, traditionally starts with a lower case letter itself, in Russian. As such, what is the reason ...
cnst's user avatar
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Questions about the Russian old children's song "Каравай"

I hope someone would kindly answer the following questions. In this song, there are the words "нижины (=низины)" and "ужины (=узины)" that are not found in ordinary dictionaries. Why is -жи- used ...
okazatsky's user avatar
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How do you say and spell “Тоска”

I am very curious about the Russian word “Toska.” The word that is difficult to translate in English and means loosely: melancholy, longing, boredom, spiritual anguish. How is this word written and ...
Julia's user avatar
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123456000-й словами

Порядковые числительные, оканчивающийся на -сотый, -тысячный, -милионный и т.д., пишутся слитно2: Составные числительные пишутся раздельно, имея столько слов, сколько в числе значащих цифр, не ...
hazzik's user avatar
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Why "расчёт" but "рассчитывать"

Why "расчёт" with one "с" and "рассчитывать" with two "с"?
nicael's user avatar
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21-миллионый, 21-тысячный, 101-тысячный словами?

Как будет правильно написать 21-миллионный, 21-тысячный и 101-тысячный словами? Слова должны быть "двадцатиодн​?​миллионный", "двадцатиодн​?​тысячный" и "стоодн​?​...
hazzik's user avatar
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Why is "ф" used almost exclusively in loan words?

It is a common bit of trivia that the letter Ф is an extremely reliable indicator that you are looking at a loan word. Wikipedia tries its best at mentioning a couple of words of Slavic origin, but ...
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