Questions tagged [отрицание]

Questions related to the negation.

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2 answers

Is the sentence „Птицы не любят такого леса“ grammatically correct, and why?

Несмотря на тишину и покой, птицы не любят такого леса и предпочитают держаться в молодых зарослях. link (Mamin-Sibiryak) Despite being a Russian speaker myself, I have some trouble with the ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Не(двуличен) своим поведением

Задумалась мне задумка одна - как ведёт себя краткое прилагательное с частицей "не", слитно или раздельно, когда есть подозреваемый на "зависимое слово". Не убивший выстрелом ...
Michael Azarenko's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

некуда vs. негде: when to use which?

Both некуда and негде mean nowhere, but there seems to be some semantic difference between the two. For example, we have Им некуда идти They have nowhere to go and Им негде сесть They have nowhere ...
Alexander Klauer's user avatar
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Meaning of the negation in phrases like "не должен прочитать"

I am often confused by phrases like "не должен прочитать," "не должен сделать," "не должен работать," "не должен платить" and so on. Sometimes the negation appears to refer to "должен," and sometimes -...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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What does "не" negate in "нечто" and "нехай"?

The prefix "не" is used to negate or reverse the meaning of the word: вежливый (polite) → невежливый (impolite) слабо (weakly) → неслабо (strongly) Following this logic, "нечто" ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is the negated adjective written separately here?

I am struggling to see the distinction despite a native trying to explain it to me. Consider the following example: – Игорь, Гарик, вы продолжаете работать на поиске вампирши. – Шеф будто от- несся к ...
MrVocabulary's user avatar
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When to use “спасибо нет” or “нет спасибо”?

I understand that both expressions are acceptable translations of “no, thank you” in order to politely answer no to a question. Are they always interchangeable? In which situations would we use one ...
vincoof's user avatar
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Перевод вопроса, начинающегося с surely

Surely his wish had not been fulfilled? В «Портрете Дориана Грея» Оскара Уайльда это предложение передает удивление, испытанное Дорианом Греем после некоторого события. В примечаниях к одному из ...
Aer's user avatar
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2 answers

Управление "не существует" - именительный или родительный падеж?

Какое из предложенний построенно корректно? Почему? "Лампа не существует" И.П. "Лампы не существует" Р.П.
Konstantin Konstantinov's user avatar
5 votes
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Negative prefixes не- vs. ни-

This is the kind of things I know how to use in practice, but would not manage to explain to someone in theory. Некогда, нечего, нечем, не с кем... they differ from никогда, ничего, ничем, ни с кем ...
swrutra's user avatar
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Does "это не значит, что я стану ..." express a determined refusal like "я не стану ..."?

Я не стану тебя слушаться. As I understand it, when "не" directly qualifies the verb "стать", the phrase expresses a determined refusal to do something: "not going to do / not about to do". {vs}: ...
Con-gras-tue-les-chiens's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Why do people say "я никто", not "я не никто"

Why do people say я никто instead of я не никто. It really confuses because I learned that everything needs double negation.
JakeDJ's user avatar
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2 answers

Use of "абсолютно" as negative sentence-word response

Based on a limited sample of native Russian-speaking friends, I've come to understand that the adverb "абсолютно" used as a sentence-word in a response is synonymous with "no" as in: -- Неужели Вы ...
gzip's user avatar
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Can I say "я не в доме не прыгал" meaning "за пределами дома я не прыгал"

Я понимаю, что в устной речи так не говорят и, более того, так, наверное, не пишут. Но верно ли это с грамматической точки зрения, и не противоречит ли каким-то правилам. Также интересует вариант "Я ...
Yegor Razumovsky's user avatar
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Negation of feminine nouns in the accusative case

The rule given here is that the accusative case is used for animate/inanimate objects. If animate that means using the genitive case, if the sentence is positive, right? Example: (Masculine) ...
Burton Foreman's user avatar
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Use of не стану [делать]

I came across the following construction: «Ерунда! – воскликнул принц. – Я не стану есть свою собаку! The context is an Indian prince, who is told he may have to eat his dog if the food runs out. ...
CocoPop's user avatar
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7 answers

Can you provide two sentences that mean the same, but one sentence is formally a negation of another?

Does there exist in Russian a pair of sentences which are the formal negation of each other, but have the same meaning?
Gangnus's user avatar
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4 answers

Is нет ever a contraction of не and есть?

My book on Russian claims that in phrases like здесь нет телефо́на the нет is a contraction of не and есть . Is this etymologically true? (I realize that it is translated as such, but this is not ...
user32021's user avatar
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Answering negative questions with one word (да/нет) - are there rules?

If the question is formulated with negation to the verb, and it is answered with one word: да or нет, what is the rule of how to understand it: Imagine that the question is a logical expression (no ...
farfareast's user avatar
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Why "ничего не понимaю" ? Isn't "я ничего понимaю" enough?

There is already a negation included in ничего, in the statement "Я ничего не понимaю". I cannot figure out why instead of using "Я ничего понимaю" one uses that expression that apparently contains a ...
c.p.'s user avatar
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When can one use "нету" instead of "нет"?

I've only read and heard нету in unformal contexts (Or I somehow associate this to kids saying нету as a cool version of нет, but that's just an impression based on a lack of practice of Russian, so I'...
c.p.'s user avatar
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1 answer

What cases are used after negation? What are the rules? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: When to use the genitive or the accusative in negative sentences I've read somewhere that after a negation, the Genitive is more common for the object being negated. When ...
Alenanno's user avatar
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