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Questions tagged [синонимы]

Questions about different words having the same or similar meaning.

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Archaic equivalent of "серьёзный"

Recently I started thinking about what an old equivalent of the word "серьёзный" could be, maybe being used in Kievan Rus or in general before the word came to the language. It is clearly a ...
Воин's user avatar
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Distinguishing between "effectiveness" and "efficiency" in Russian

The Russian translation for "effectiveness" seems to be "эффективность", a word that sounds pretty similar to "effectiveness" and also initially would seem to be able to ...
Max's user avatar
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What is the difference between "разделить" and "поделить"?

Both of these words came up on a word list for me to study and I have no idea when to use which. I looked them up on Wiktionary and discovered that they are both perfective. I then ran them through ...
Lisa Beck's user avatar
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What is the difference between "истинная любовь" and "настоящая любовь"?

I didn't plan it like this, but clearly, this one is just in time for Valentine's Day. Because Russian doesn't have articles, I often try to find a good adjective-noun combo so that I can better ...
Lisa Beck's user avatar
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"Поножовщина" и "драка с ножами"

What is the difference between "поножовщина" and "драка с ножами" ?
Anthribar's user avatar
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What is the difference between "число" and "количество"?

In the newspaper Izvestia I have seen the phrase число случаев and количество случаев For example: В мире число случаев заражения коронавирусом превысило 10,3 млн. In the world, the number of cases ...
Lisa Beck's user avatar
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What is the difference between лодыжка and щиколотка as a translation of "ankle"?

TL/DR: What is the difference between щиколотка and лодыжка, and which one is a better suited translation for "Ankle zips with reflective detailing"? Background As a personal vocabulary ...
Sam's user avatar
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5 answers

Difference between "битва" and "сражение"?

What is the difference between битва and сражение? Every reference I've looked at translates both as "battle," but they don't seem to be interchangeable. The Wikipedia entry for битва specifically ...
spoko's user avatar
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"хотя бы" is a synonym for "по крайней мере"?

Generally speaking without any context could we say that "хотя бы" is a synonym for "по крайней мере" meaning "at least"?
Influx's user avatar
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"Хотелось" or "хочу"

1). хотелось = мне хотелось / I wanted 2). хочу = я хочу купить что нибудь для тебя / I want to buy something for you What is the difference between "хотелось" when used in the first scenario v.s. ...
nicolasns96's user avatar
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What is the difference between "eврей" and "иудей"?

I always thought that "Jew" was "eврей", but I have also heard the usage of "иудей". What is the difference? They appear to be the same in the dictionaries that I have checked. Are they completely the ...
JosephG's user avatar
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What were the original half-Russian Siberians called?

What were the Imperial Russian terms for a mixed-race Siberian person? Historical background: As Russia expanded eastward, many mixed children were born to native women and Russian men. Near the end ...
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Синоним слова «прозрачный» в значении «понятный и честный»

Какой самый удачный синоним у слова «прозрачный» в таком контексте? Это повышает уровень прозрачности процессов и экономит время на взаимодействие между участниками.
maximrrrr's user avatar
9 votes
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"Borrow" and "lend" in Russian

How do you say "borrow" or "lend" in Russian? My dictionary gives a number of different expressions, but I'm not sure if they are equivalent. What is the difference between одолжить дать/брать ...
oz1cz's user avatar
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Why does Russian have three words for marriage?

They are свадьба, женитьба, and замужество. According to wiktionary, женитьба is marriage from a man's perspective (despite being feminine) and замужество a woman's (despite being neuter). Is it ...
Judicaël's user avatar
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Using ещё and пока

When to use ещё and when to use пока? С утра пока темно. С утра ещё темно. Is there any difference in the meaning in these examples? EDIT: As @Alex.S said, there is also one other variant: С ...
wair92's user avatar
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Пряность vs специя

Last week I visited a restaurant called Пряности и радости and a shop Индийские специи. This leads me to ask: Is there any difference between the words Пряность and специя? The Oxford Russian English ...
Martin Peters's user avatar
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Беспризорный vs. Бомж vs. Бездомный

Эти синонимы. Но мне кажется, что все-таки тонкая разница есть. My current understanding of the difference: Беспризорный = "homeless" -- used in a more educated written register (literature ...
iAndelin's user avatar
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What is the difference between разве and неужели?

I know that разве has some additional meanings, for instance the expression разве что/лишь/только. However in their principal meaning, разве and неужели are somewhat synonymous. What are the nuances ...
ghostarbeiter's user avatar
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"Одену" or "надену"

I can't seem to figure out the difference between одену and надену. Both are future tense verbs of "to put on" or "wear". Are they both just synonyms? I fee like there is a subtle difference
rsavchenko's user avatar
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Синонимы "класс" и "круто"

Я слышал разные способы сказать "класс" или "круто", но не знаю, как правильно использовать их и когда они уместны. "Пацанский подгон" "Ништяк" "Угарчик" (по-моему, это была шутка) "Классно" ...
Дау's user avatar
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Alternative to 'тотчас же'

What is an alternative way to say 'тотчас же?' Maybe it is not really in use anymore, but it keeps popping up in Russian literature I'm reading, and it's a bit hard to get out sometimes. What is a ...
Конрад's user avatar
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Особый или особенный

Особый: 1) а) Необычный, исключительный в каком-л. отношении. б) Не похожий на других; своеобразный. в) Отличный от других по степени проявления; значительный. 2) Отдельный, особый Особенный:...
marmistrz's user avatar
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Схожий или похожий?

В словаре Ефремова слово схожий определяется таким образом: схожий: Похожий на кого-л., что-л. Есть ли какая-нибудь разница между словами похожий и схожий?
marmistrz's user avatar
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How to say an informal "кроме того"?

An acquaintance told me that when I say кроме того she think she's hearing the news. Is there an alternative other than сверх того? Or is the latter cool enough? I suppose not.
c.p.'s user avatar
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Verbs related to learning or teaching [closed]

there. May you explain me differences between following verbs in detail?! (Attention: For God's sake, PLEASE, Don't match them up with English words like: study, learn, teach, etc. Just please try to ...
ali21's user avatar
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Difference between угрожать и грозить

The dictionary defines both угрожа́ть and грози́ть as “threaten.” Are they interchangeable in every case?
CocoPop's user avatar
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Synonyms for "типа того"

What are synonymous expressions for типо того (or is it типа) ?
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9 answers

Is there any difference between торопиться и спешить?

Can спешить replace торопиться in this sentence, for example: “на вашем месте я не торопился бы критиковать все направо и налево…”
CocoPop's user avatar
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Современное значение слова "риторика"

Последние несколько лет слово "риторика" стало использоваться не так, как оно объясняется в словарях, например: Риторика государственных СМИ Патриотическая риторика Впрочем, всё сказанное выше ― ...
Artemix's user avatar
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Synonyms for кстати

What are commonly used, synonymous words and phrases for кстати? I mean also in the sense of now that I think about it (мне приходит голову?).
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4 answers

Какая разница между лишь и только?

Я еще не нашел подробную инфорнацию об этих словах, то есть я бы хотел знать, когда надо писать слово "только", и когда надо писать "лишь"? Есть ли случаи, когда можно менять "только" на "лишь" (и ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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Difference between "вставать" and "встать"

That's it, specifically in the sentences: не встать! and не вставать! Are they exactly the same, what are the differences?
MyUserIsThis's user avatar
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"хорош" и "хватит"

Очень часто в последнее время встречаю слово "хорош" как синоним на "хватит". Употребляют его даже в книгах, действие которых развивается в прошлом. Но мне кажется, что в старых книгах я никогда не ...
johnfound's user avatar
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больница vs госпиталь

Меня учили, что это синонимы. Но по прочтении некоторых книг мне кажется, что все-таки некоторая смысловая разница есть. А какая?
johnfound's user avatar
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Как подписать письмо?

Как подписать письмо, если я пишу родственникам (бабушке и дедушке)? У меня с ними не близкие отношения, поэтому я не уверена, как подписать. Единственное, что приходит в голову, - "Ваша Настя". Или ...
Ellen's user avatar
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How do "буран со снегом", "метель", "вьюга", "пурга" differ in their meaning?

"Буран со снегом", "метель", "вьюга", "пурга" - What's the difference here?
brilliant's user avatar
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Difference in usage between "раба" and "рабыня"

Several years ago I have heard that the correct title of soap-opera "Рабыня Изаура" is "Раба Изаура", though the translators picked "рабыня" instead. Though, I see that Даль lists рабыня, раба, рабица ...
Artemix's user avatar
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Difference between "тоже" and "также". Where to place "тоже"?

The first part of the question is straightforward. Is there any difference between "тоже" and "также"? If so, what? The second one is likely to have a "yes"-answer, but ...
c.p.'s user avatar
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Difference between "лгун" and "лжец"

Speaking of words "лгун" and "лжец", which to me as a native speaker sound quite interchangeable, which form is used more often? And which of these words of such close origin and meaning can be ...
shabunc's user avatar
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Каковы синонимы слова "очеловечиться"? / What are synonyms for "очеловечиться"?

Каково семантическое поле этого глагола? Пожалуйста, предлагайте варианты в одно слово. What are semantic implications for the word? Please offer one-word Russian options; thanks.
Manjusri's user avatar
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А как раньше говорили о температуре за окном? How did people talk about temperature before?

Было ли у русского народа понятие об этой величине или они просто обходились словами «тепло», «прохладно» и т. д.? Ведь «температура» — заморское слово. Интересно, есть ли у него исконно русский если ...
krokoziabla's user avatar
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What is the difference between "героизм" and "геройство"

Words "героизм" and "геройство" look very alike, but I feel there is a difference between them. Moreover, this difference is not that subtle, it's just that I'm not able to define this difference ...
shabunc's user avatar
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Examples using "народ" versus "люди"

What are the differences in usage between народ and люди? I'd like to see some examples to explain such differences.
Lawrence DeSouza's user avatar
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What are synonyms for "срач"?

I need to translate the word "срач" to a different language. I am having a hard time trying to say it in different words in order to accurately explain the exact shade of the meaning. Could you please ...
Trident D'Gao's user avatar
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Difference between "мир" and "свет"

What's the difference between мир and свет to mean world? When would one use one over the other, and are there any set expressions where these are not interchangeable?
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