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Questions tagged [сленг]

Questions about special language used by a particular group as well as about an informal nonstandard vocabulary composed of invented words, changed words, and exaggerated or humorous figures of speech.

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"Cнег" as a slang term for "cocaine"

Wiktionary says that снег is slang for cocaine, but I can't find any real examples of this. Would you say понюхать снегом for "to snort cocaine", or how would it be said? Thanks.
pompey1969's user avatar
-2 votes
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What does с каре mean? [closed]

I have encountered девочка с каре in a song and девушка с каре in comments on social media. I have absolutely no idea what с каре means. Clarification would be highly appreciated.
Rodrigo de Azevedo's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

What's the Russian equivalent of "This song slaps!"?

What would be Russian slang equivalent of "This song slaps!" in the sense that it's excellent, really cool, fire? The word "slap" for us native English speakers brings to mind the ...
AMDG's user avatar
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Russian equivalents of some English idioms

I don't speak or read Russian myself, but I'm trying to find some genuine and natural-sounding Russian equivalents of a couple of English phrases. The first is "keep your shirt on," a ...
drmerry's user avatar
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What is the meaning of соплежуйство?

I understand that соплежуйство is a compound noun literally meaning chewing on snots, but what is the figurative meaning of this word in Russian?
user1602's user avatar
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What does "ну-ка" means? [closed]

I've seen this a lot in a comedy series that I'm watching. For example in a situation when the boss yell at some unknown guys to get out of the house he says: "Ну-ка, пошли вон отсюда!"
szenadam's user avatar
5 votes
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what does спалила mean in this sentence?

excerpt from a song: "Ты спалила наверняка как он смотрит издалека". the direct translation of спалила or спали́ть is "to burn", however it does not make sense in this sentence. ...
curiousmind's user avatar
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Russian slang: "the letter Х"

Someone told me that in Russian slang, people ask each other: Kак дела? (How are you?), to which the obvious answer is Хорошо (Good). But there's another word that starts with "x" and means ...
slangrussian's user avatar
2 votes
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Need help with Russian interjections, figures of speech

I'm trying to find Russian equivalents for the following interjections/expressions: "Don't!" (when we very much don't want someone to do something) "No!" (to express dismay) "...
Chris Carr's user avatar
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3 answers

Сорьян = sorry?

I was recently working at a Russian startup with a low median age - most of the employees were under 30. I cannot count the number of times I heard folks saying "сорьян" to each other, but ...
the_darkside's user avatar
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Is there a shorter or more colloquial word for "pet"?

The Russian translation for "pet" is домашнее животное, in this case meaning a domesticated animal one keeps in one's home. To a native English-speaker that seems like quite a bookish term. ...
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What is the meaning of this Russian profanity?

I am a new learner in the Russian language, and I don't know the rules of this exchange. But recently I came across this saying (I am sorry in advance for the phrase): "ёпта мохнатка": Яже ...
Maybeline Lee's user avatar
2 votes
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Как перевести на русский слово "prepster"?

Слово образовано из слияния preppy + hipster. Словарь дает такое определение: "культурный маргинал, сочетающий консервативное и либеральное". Preppy = старомодный, hipster = неформал (...
Owlythesova's user avatar
-1 votes
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Kaliningrad ... may it be referred to as Kalinograd?

Kaliningrad is the Russian exclave sandwiched in between Poland and Lithuania on the Baltic coast. Every time I think of it I find myself saying "Kalinograd" because in English usage ...
Bill Stremmel's user avatar
6 votes
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What is the meaning of "по хулиганке"?

What does "По хулиганке" mean? I cannot find a sensible translation. It is the title of a song of the group 'Iron Bees'.
Kenyakorn Ketsombut's user avatar
5 votes
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How old and widespread is the word "холодос"?

Today a reddit user claimed that "холодос" (I guess the last "o" is stressed) is a slang name for a refrigerator in Russian, and I'm like - no way, never in my life I've heard this before. However ...
shabunc's user avatar
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Diminutive for Child/Grandchild/Young Person

I do not speak Russian, however I am trying to write a few lines of convincing (romanized) dialog between two Russian characters. I'm searching for a diminutive or informal word an elderly woman might ...
aaronsnoswell's user avatar
23 votes
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Why do Russians call a joke a stake (прикол)?

In modern Russian, прикол is a very frequently used word and means a joke, a funny incident, or just anything funny, but the original meaning of this word is very different: a stake to which a ship, a ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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How to translate чё вытворяет? [closed]

Would a good (American) English equivalent of "Чё вытворяет?" be "What is he up to?" or "What's up with him?" What's the connotation, exactly?
Elizabeth Henning's user avatar
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What is the origin of the suffix -он?

I learned that the Russian language has a number of words with the suffix -он: музон, закидон, выпивон, закусон, расслабон, etc. This suffix is indeed not a part of the root, as can be seen from words ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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"Working on a knee"

There's a one word russian slang for a design philosophy that translates as " working with a piece of paper on your knee". I remember it loosely as ' nakayanki '. Can someone enlighten?
Kaushal R N's user avatar
4 votes
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Can you use the word "муть" in a conversation, or is it a profane word?

I took it from a popular song: Для меня ты ангел божий / Без тебя такая муть but it seems (from the reaction I got) that this particular word is considered to be slang / a swear word not to be ...
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What is ништяк?

Ништяк is a Russian slang term meaning cool, it's very good. According to this article, it can also mean: tasty (mostly sweet) food; cookie food that has been thrown away but is going to be eaten ...
Enguroo's user avatar
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"Horseradish, why are you fucking?"

I'm trying to understand part of Путешествие шлюпа «Диана» из Кронштадта в Камчатку, совершенное в 1807, 1808 и 1809 годах. The author Golovnin names a Kamchadal song «Ай, вот тебе хрену, ай вот тебе ...
user avatar
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What do these mean: pupushik and pupushonok?

A man used the first and a woman used the second, to each other. What exactly do they mean? Are they naughty terms of endearment or harmless, cute ones? :-) Context: Armenian man and Ukrainian woman ...
Ron's user avatar
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Meaning of "кагбе пыщъ"?

What does this mean? "короче кагбе пыщъ" As I asked a remote developer about delivery of my app project. Never heard anything more from him. Hope it is not a deadly decease.
J. Doe's user avatar
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Delovaya kolbasa

What does "delovaya kolbasa" mean in Russian?
Lydia's user avatar
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Have your cake and eat it too - Equivalent Expression in Russian

Wikipedia claims that the expression И рыбку съесть, и в воду не лезть is equivalent to "having your cake and eating it too", literally translated to wanting to eat a fish without first catching it ...
Eddy Boxler's user avatar
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"Норм чувак" meaning

I had known "чувак," but recently ran into "норм чувак" and was a bit lost, and neither Multitran nor helped. It sounds to me like some kind of stoner cri-du-coeur. Could someone ...
SAH's user avatar
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What nuances does the term "тугрик" have?

When not referring to the actual Mongolian currency, what nuances does the term "тугрик" have, if any? For example, does it imply that the currency is weak?
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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Analog of IT term “костыль” in English [closed]

I am not sure if this is a proper place to post this question, but I was unable to find any better. In software development, we tend to use the Russian word “костыль” (crutch) to denote a solution ...
Aleksei Matiushkin's user avatar
7 votes
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Can someone explain "ой мой скотч"?

I've seen this used on the web as a translation for "oh my God" . Even though, as far as I know, there is a more literal translation (боже мой) which seems also to be in common use So ... what's the ...
Emma Baillie's user avatar
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Что значит "Че ты паришься"?

Привет всем, What does "Че ты паришься" mean? The only information I found on it was from which says ...
Kevin Stubbs's user avatar
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Use of "Kamchatka" to represent any poor, faraway place

In Russia, the place name "Kamchatka" at some point became a generalized means of referring to faraway, underresourced, or undesirable places (according to a couple of sources, this includes the far ...
user avatar
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7 answers

Is there a Russian expression used when both sides know they are lying?

I just heard someone talking about Putin propaganda techniques on BBC Radio 4 this morning... And he mentioned an expression in a situation where "both sides know they are lying"... but they persist ...
mike rodent's user avatar
3 votes
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Differences between Чей/Чья and Кого

If you want to make a question related to possession, when is it preferable to use Чей/Чья ...? and when is it better to use Кого...? ? Are both options grammatically correct? Thank you!
user3141592's user avatar
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К какой части речи относится слово "го" из молодёжного сленга?

Например, во фразе "Го в Доту, я создал".
R.I.P.30.12.21Baskakov_Dmitriy's user avatar
6 votes
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Is "с днём рождения, старый пердун" acceptable?

I would like to congratulate someone I know well for his 50th birthday. Would the following be considered good, ok, bad or very bad? С днем рождения, старый пердун!
yglodt's user avatar
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What do ")" or multiple ")))" mean in an internet conversation?

I sometimes see Russian people add some ) to the end of sentences, and sometimes even many of them: )))). I recently read: In Russian: ))))))) is a loud laugh So I wonder what it means when there's ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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What are some words that can translate "butterface" into Russian?

According to the UrbanDictionary website, butterface/butter face is an American slang for: A girl who is hot, except for her (but her, butter) face. Can you think of any common slang or playful ...
screener's user avatar
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What are the different forms of "косарь"?

In Russian "косарь" means a thousand. But what are the different forms and cases of "косарь"? For example, can you say "Это двухкосарёвый вопрос на Stack Exchange русского языка"? What are the dative ...
L_Pav's user avatar
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What does "Ой всё" mean?

What does "Ой всё" mean? My Russian friends use it a lot.
Viktor's user avatar
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Origin of "не фартануло"

There's a saying "не фартануло" which means something like "не повезло" or "не получилось". However, where does it come from? There don't seem to be any related words that come to mind, and there ...
Peteris's user avatar
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Can you provide translation to this Russian profanity?

I am familiar with the word заебать [zə(j)ɪˈbatʲ], but I do not understand where does the word как come in picture. This surely doesn't change the meaning of the sentence, but a little explanation ...
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'Clean bandit' (чистый бандитка) - would a normal Russian speaker understand this to mean 'total rascal'?

The British music group Clean Bandit take their name from the Russian 'чистый бандитка'. Grace Chatto, one of the band's members, says that a Russian lady used it to mean 'total rascal'. She mentions ...
Quppa's user avatar
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"биточки ваще кайф"

Someone commented on a song I put on the internet with the Russian phrase биточки ваще кайф, which to me looks like she's telling me that at this point in the (may I point out, instrumental) track ...
Matt Fletcher's user avatar
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Does one use (still) / did one really used once гангрена (проклятая)! as curse word, as it appears in Двенадцать стульев?

If I'm not mistaken some character in Ilf-Petrov's wonderful novel Двенадцать стульев wants to damn something. I don't quite remember the situation, but he says – гангрена (проклятая)! Is any of ...
c.p.'s user avatar
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How to say an informal "кроме того"?

An acquaintance told me that when I say кроме того she think she's hearing the news. Is there an alternative other than сверх того? Or is the latter cool enough? I suppose not.
c.p.'s user avatar
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Best translation to russian: "hey, doodz!"

Как перевести на русский сленговый возглас: hey, doodz! Желательно, чтобы перевод максимально сохранил не только собственно само значение, но также и искаженное написание, ну типа: эй, пацаки! ...
Barmaley's user avatar
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Как перевести "beat that"?

Как перевести на русский разговорное восклицание "beat that!" Это сокращение от "Can you beat that?" Выражение может быть использовано в процессе игры или неформального ...
Vitaly's user avatar
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