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1 vote
1 answer

Usage of past tense for expressing intended immediate future action

I would be glad if someone could clarify the following: Can one use verbs in past tense to express an intention to do something in the immediate future? If yes, do my examples make sense? Example 1: ...
1 vote
1 answer

как таковой (agreement)

From РОССІЯ И ЕВРЕИ 1924: Тому и другому чуждо представленіе о трагическомъ въ жизни, какъ таковой; оба съ одинаковой рѣшительностью отрекаются отъ стараго міра, хотя міръ одного — не міръ другого; ...
0 votes
0 answers

What is the geography of (now obsolete) usage of the word фамилия to mean 'wife'?

While Valentin Kiparsky claimed (in Omagiu lui Iordan) that this usage is a calque from Tatar and therefore found in the Russian varieties spoken in and near Kazan (the area of the Tatar-speaking ...
3 votes
2 answers

белая as a noun?

In the following verse of this poem by Anna Akhmatova: А здесь уж белая дома крестами метит is белая a noun? If it is an adjective, I do not see the noun it describes. If it is a noun, what does it ...
0 votes
1 answer

В чём разница между согласованием и управлением в подчинительном виде словосочетаний русского языка?

Как достоверно отличить одно от другого?
59 votes
14 answers

What does the phrase "Да нет" mean?

Does it mean yes, or does it mean no, or something else?
0 votes
1 answer

Cyrillic letter Tje with breve appears in 1951 engraving [duplicate]

I am reading an engraving published in 1951 by the Broude Brothers. It contains a weird thing shaped like the letter Tje with a breve (Ᲊ̆): What exactly is it? And what is it called? The letter Tje ...
1 vote
2 answers

Use of plurals in mixed context

In a language app, I encountered a translation of "2 apples" as Два яблоко I would have thought it to be Два яблоки (or Две яблоки) Is that just my English bias showing? Thanks.
2 votes
4 answers

"что" versus "того, что"

I have some issue with this excerpt of Анна Каренина by Tolstoy (часть 8, глава 8): Он не мог признать, что он тогда знал правду, а теперь ошибается, потому что, как только он начинал думать спокойно ...
2 votes
2 answers

Use of genitive in negation

I'm having a hard time understanding what exactly the rule is on the use of the genitive case after negation. One could say "читаю эту книгу", and the negative would be "не читаю эту ...
2 votes
2 answers

"это был" or "это было"?

In this poem by Boris Pasternak we have this verse: Однако это был подлог, Why is it correct? If это is the subject, shouldn't we have "это было подлог" (except that from a metric ...
0 votes
0 answers

The pocative case for adjectives and declensions [duplicate]

It's my understanding that for numbers, declensions follow the rules as such: Single case: 1 of an item: nominative for both adjective and noun Pocative case: 2-4 of an item for masculine and ...
0 votes
1 answer

если бы ещё так

This is from РОССІЯ И ЕВРЕИ (1924): И если бы ещё такъ, если бы къ мѣсту тутъ былъ Самсонъ, хотя бы и ослѣплённый! Shouldn't this be если бы ещё так БЫЛО? Or does the был later in the sentence apply ...
2 votes
2 answers

в ничто (indeclinable?)

This is from РОССІЯ И ЕВРЕИ (1924): Пока духъ въ богатырѣ не угасъ, а рука его не ослабла, онъ не искалъ равенства въ смерти, въ гибели, въ уничтоженіи, въ Ничто. I think в ничто means "in ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why do we have "моей" in "Тебе - моей"?

In this poem by Marina Tsvetaeva we have several times the verse "Тебе - моей.". For instance, Здесь нету рученьки Тебе — моей. I don't understand in which case is моей. Genitive like ...
3 votes
3 answers

Use of dative with быть

In this poem by Marina Tsvetaeva we have: Не упразднившему — тренья I don't understand the construction of this sentence. I believe that тренья is the subject. Is the meaning the same as Тренья не ...
13 votes
7 answers

What is the Russian translation for "brogrammer"?

There is an article about this word in Urban Dictionary. But what is the Russian for this word? "говнокодер" and "быдлокодер" are not suitable here (it means good developer, not bad). An example of ...
1 vote
1 answer

How is некому interpreted when used with a verb that takes a dative object?

My understanding is that when describing the absence of the subject of a verb, the dative form некому is used along with the verb infinitive. For example, Некому о ней заботиться means There is no one ...
14 votes
1 answer

"С волками жить - по-волчьи выть" - каков изначальный смысл пословицы?

Каков изначальный смысл пословицы "С волками жить - по-волчьи выть"? Я смотрю на разные источники в Интернете и замечаю, что они предлагают разные толкования заложенного в эту пословицу смысла. Есть ...
1 vote
1 answer

теми же... что... syntax

This is from the book РОССІЯ И ЕВРЕИ 1924: Средній обыватель-еврей живётъ въ данномъ случаѣ тѣми же чувствами и представленіями, что русскій человѣкъ нисшихъ слоёвъ населенія: прачка, дворникъ, ...
7 votes
3 answers

Слово "Бог": с прописной или со строчной

В классике русской литературы разных изданий встречается написание слова "бог" в сходном контексте как с прописной, так и со строчной буквы. Например, Во главе тамошнего местного ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why in plural form I see "знака", and not "знаки"?

I cannot figure it out -- let's start from wiktionary: знак In plural form there is no "знака", yet I noticed it in real life, and quick search gives example right at the wikipedia page: ...
4 votes
1 answer

The expression "На крючок!"

In Подросток by Dostoevsky we have: Сам давал по десяти и по двадцати пяти просителям. На крючок! I don't understand the expression "На крючок!". My guess (with the context) is that the ...
3 votes
3 answers

What does the phrase "человек с большой буквы" mean?

I was just called a "человек с большой буквы" by a native Russian speaker in a text message and I was wondering, what the phrase actually means and where it originates from. I know that it ...
0 votes
0 answers

What is the point of asking questions here, if you cannot reply to people? [migrated]

I have used this site for year, but only recently got an account. Which should not be as hard as it was. I was very excited though. What with the world ending and Dead Internet. But why can we not ...
6 votes
1 answer

"два светлые глаза"

In this poem by Anna Akhmatova we have: Другая — два светлые глаза И облачное крыло. I don't understand why we have "два светлые глаза", I was expecting "два светлых гла́за" (...
2 votes
2 answers

Stress at the end of verses

In Стихи к Пушкину by Marina Tsvetaeva we have: Кого ж это так — точно воры вора́ Пристреленного — выносили? Изменника? Нет. С проходного двора — Умнейшего мужа России. According to Викисловарь, we ...
5 votes
3 answers

What is the meaning of "мамонт" (translated "mammoth") when used in the context of phishing?

I saw some text in Russian recently which talked about phishing attacks. It described one as designed for "mammoths" (мамонтов). I am interested to learn more about this term. I can guess it ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why is this use of a genitive correct in this sentence [duplicate]

Found this in a textbook and confirmed it using an AI translator: "Мы были дома" Why is the genitive form дома used here. I've looked in the few books I have and nothing explains this usage.
2 votes
2 answers

In "Знания русского языка", is знания nominative plural or genitive singular?

I guess it is nominative plural, but maybe it could be both? If this is the title of an article, could I somehow read it as From knowledge of the Russian language (as in legal language) instead of ...
2 votes
1 answer

Precise meaning of "я прошла мимо этого дома"?

Does it mean I walked past this house or I missed this house?
1 vote
3 answers

теплоход: приплыть или прибыть

В (немецком) учебнике были примеры «Теплоход приплыл в порт вовремя» и «Теплоход приплывёт по расписанию». Однако наша преподавательница сказала что это необычно: она всегда говорила бы «Теплоход ...
1 vote
1 answer

"в какой точке"

I am unsure about the meaning of "в какой точке" (absolutely, I mean: when it is not followed by a substantive in the genitive). In Викисловарь we have this meaning for точка: место ...
1 vote
1 answer

The construction "Что за это случилось"

In Поздний ответ by Anna Akhmatova we have: Полюбуйтесь, родимые пашни, Что за это случилось со мной. It is unclear to me. My guess is that мной after Полюбуйтесь is implicit ("admire me"),...
2 votes
2 answers

Adverbs, before or after the verb?

First year student here, so this may be a trivial question: Does an adverb come normally before or after the verb? My textbook says that when making a statement, place it before the verb. For example: ...
1 vote
2 answers

Why does «приходиться» mean "to have to"?

So, «приходить» means "to come", which etymologically makes sense to me. Why does making this word reflexive, «приходиться», suddenly make it mean "to have to"?
0 votes
1 answer

How to ask whether a store has trousers of a particular size? [closed]

For example, how to ask, "Do you have trousers of size 52-4?"
4 votes
1 answer

бежать + genitive

In Бюст Тиберия by Brodsky we have: Я тоже опрометью бежал всего со мной случившегося и превратился в остров с развалинами, с цаплями. I don't know the construction бежать + génitive. I know the ...
0 votes
2 answers

How will I know when to choose Е and when Э after the Russian letter Ж?

женщина — Е (stressed); железо — Е (unstressed); же (частица) — Е; же (индейский народ в Бразилии) — Е; жэ (название русской буквы) — Э; межэтнический — Э; ЖЭК — Э; чжурчжэни — Э. Seems not too easy ...
1 vote
2 answers

бывало + present tense

This is from РОССІЯ И ЕВРЕИ 1924: Когда мы, бывало, говоримъ русскому правительству, что то или другое ограниченіе ведётъ только къ отчужденію евреевъ или опредѣлённыхъ еврейскихъ группъ, напримѣръ, ...
2 votes
1 answer

Семеновский полк in Петербург

In Подросток, Глава первая (VIII) by Dostoyevski I read: Но тут все жили вместе, в одном деревянном флигеле, в переулке, в Семеновском полку. The context: we are in Saint Petersburg. How should I ...
5 votes
5 answers

How do I say "API (application programming interface)" in Russian?

How do I say "API (application programming interface)" in Russian? Is there maybe some acronym (aside from АПИ) that makes it easy to read in translation from English to Russian?
0 votes
1 answer

How to translate this missing verb in Tolstoi's original text

I'm reading Hadji Murat, chapter XIII (13). In the original text, we have: «один негодяй на...л на меня» I have the feeling Tolstoi was being very 'realistic' when it comes to dialogue and character ...
2 votes
2 answers

не в себе BUT как не в себя?

According to Wiktionary, the standard forms are: не в себе как не в себя There's an inconsistency in the endings. Is it correct that one uses себе and the other uses себя? Google Books Ngrams shows ...
0 votes
3 answers

Can I translate the word "abbreviate" as "ужимать"?

I have read several articles of the word meaning. I think that the translation is adjustable for all of them, isn't it?
0 votes
2 answers

Could I translate any meaning of "abandon" as "утратить"?

I have looked the word up in several key English dictionaries, and it seems that all the translations effectively regard утратить as an equivalent of the English word "abandon". Is this ...
7 votes
4 answers

What's the origin of the idiom "Глаз на жопу натянуть"?

I'm curious as to the etymology of the idiom "глаз на жопу натянуть", which literally means "to pull an eye onto someone's ass". Surfing the net, I found that it was used in the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Сделать/делать when talking about ability to do something

I wanted to say, "I can do that (make coffee)" in Russian, and so I said "Это я могу делать." A Russian language speaker corrected me and said that I should instead use сделать. I ...
2 votes
2 answers

стартануть always = начать?

Is стартануть always possible as a replacement for начать or is it only found in some contexts? And is it only found in colloquial speech? I found in at 07:35 in
3 votes
1 answer

The word "чайный" as a substantive

In Детство Люверс by Boris Pasternak I read: Ходили на блоках двери чайных If I am not wrong, here "чайный" is a субстантивированное прилагательное. I could not find in any dictionary the ...

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