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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Use of genitive in negation

I'm having a hard time understanding what exactly the rule is on the use of the genitive case after negation. One could say "читаю эту книгу", and the negative would be "не читаю эту ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Semantic relationship between "немец" and "немой"?

I believe I was taught (when I studied Russian decades ago) that немец is related to немой, and that the semantic connection is that if one were to speak to one of these German types, rather than ...
Paul Tanenbaum's user avatar
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В чём разница между согласованием и управлением в подчинительном виде словосочетаний русского языка?

Как достоверно отличить одно от другого?
Wisdom Butcher's user avatar
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What is the geography of (now obsolete) usage of the word фамилия to mean 'wife'?

While Valentin Kiparsky claimed (in Omagiu lui Iordan) that this usage is a calque from Tatar and therefore found in the Russian varieties spoken in and near Kazan (the area of the Tatar-speaking ...
Attila the Pun's user avatar