It's not quite correct to ask why when you study any language. It should be obvious that languages don't copy each other. Just consult a good dictionary and try to memorize the difference. See the example above. There's such a thing as compatibility in any language. A good dictionary usually shows what the right way to use any word is. Your problem is called сочетаемость in Russian.
| с кем-чем. Отнестись к кому-л. как-л., сделать что-л. с кем-, чем-л., по отношению к кому-, чему-л. As you see, you can use the instrumental, and if you add поступить по отношению к кому, чему the dative. Nothing else in this particular meaning (1). So if you want the dative , just say поступил плохо по отношению ко мне, the other variant поступил плохо со мной.