<sup>*By Alone-zee's request i trasfer here my comments made in response to identical sub-question [in another thread](https://russian.stackexchange.com/a/16185/7674)*</sup> **ну и** is an emphatic compound interjection in exclamations expressing negative emotions or attitude, it functions as the English **what a...; such a...; so...** but only in a negative context, e.g. > **Ну и** погодка сегодня! - **What a** terrible weather we have today! > > **Ну и** дурак **же** ты!/**Ну** ты **и** дурак! - You're **such a** fool! > > **Ну** ты **и** загнул!/**Ну** **и** загнул **же** ты! - You're **so** exaggerating! > > [**Ну и** видок у тебя, > Шарапов!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogIxmP5hwA4) - You have **such > a** terrible look, Sharapov! `- Could it be that this "и" is a particle for emphasis that often precedes a verb?` **ну и** goes not only with verbs and rather to a lesser extent with verbs, and it doesn't follow some previous statement for confirmation or reinforcement, it is perfectly autonomous and self-contained. Check these examples of usage with a verb: **`1.`** **Ну** ты **и** пишешь! <sup>*(a comment about quality of handwriting)*</sup> - You have **such an** awful handwriting! <sup>*(characters are either too small, illegible, ugly, don't meet some arbitrary requirements or something else etc)*</sup> VERSUS in a dialogue: **`2.`** -Зачем я это пишу? - Why am i even writing this? -Тебе сказали писать? - Have you been told to write this? -Да. - Yes. -Ну / Вот / Ну вот ты и пишешь. - So that's why you're writing. Note that in the second example the phrase doesn't end with exclamation mark, it would be inappropriate here because it's not an exclamation.