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Questions about usage of a particular word

3 votes

Usage of the particles "так и"

The dictionary of Efremova gives three cases of usage "так и": 1. Употребляется при подчеркивании энергичного, интенсивного непроизвольно совершающегося действия. I beleive this case is descri …
Artemix's user avatar
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7 votes

Diminutive for "решето" and "загадка"

Решето is a household item - a sieve. Better synonyms are загадка, головоломка, ребус, шарада. Diminutives are загадочка, головоломочка, ребусик, шарадочка. As for gender - only ребус is masculine no …
Artemix's user avatar
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4 votes

так как vs. потому что AND так что vs. поэтому

Basically так как and потому что mean the same, but they do have differences in usage. They both are used to connect some fact with its reasons (like words 'because' or 'since'), but так как can be pl …
Artemix's user avatar
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5 votes

Usage of the word "раён"

This is not a criminal slang (especially just the spelling "раён"), though it has "criminal roots". You can hear many people speak like that - taxi drivers, street sales persons, workers, etc. Most of …
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4 votes

Understanding "бы"

Почему нет? may mean why (something) is missing?, or (another meaning) what objections do you have?: -- У нас нет воды. -- Почему нет? -- Авария - труба лопнула. -- Ты пойдешь в театр? …
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5 votes

Meaning of просто жуть

In fact this is a verse from a song by Oleg Gazmanov: На пляжу лежу и в небо я гляжу, Чайки жирные летают, просто жуть, А я худенький такой - унесет меня прибой, Лучше я в песок зароюсь с го …
Artemix's user avatar
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12 votes

выражение "жить можно!"

Another meaning is that "This is less than I expected, but nevertheless it is still acceptable": Устроился вчера на работу. Зарплата, конечно, небольшая, но жить можно. - I have found a job yesterday …
Artemix's user avatar
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3 votes

Declension of "ДНК"

I listened lectures by antropologist Станислав Дробышевский - he makes many witty remarks in his speech. He (and some other scientists) change ДНК in his speech (maybe because it sounds fun, or, maybe …
Artemix's user avatar
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11 votes

Difference between "прах" and "пепел"

I agree with Alex.S that first thing one think of hearing word "прах" nowadays is what is left of a man after his death. "Прах к праху" is a citation from Bible - "Ashes to ashes". However this is hig …
Artemix's user avatar
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10 votes

Meaning of если что

The first can be translated as: She's not a kid (anymore), just in case you forgot. or depending on the context: She's not a kid, (she'll be able to solve her problems) if anything happens. The se …
Artemix's user avatar
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7 votes

"Wallet" in Russian

Портмоне and бумажник are synonyms. In fact, they are correct translations for wallet. They are used to keep paper money and other things like credit cards, business cards and so on. Кошелек is a b …
Artemix's user avatar
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1 vote

Usage of "весточки"

As Anixx has already written весточка is a short message from "far away". In the beginning of 2000-ies this word was quite rare, but now it is used more and more often. Here's a graph based on Ruscorp …
Artemix's user avatar
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6 votes

Difference between "пиар", "реклама" and "пропаганда"

Пропаганда is about view-of-life, it's not about a person or a company. This could be about something like 'our country is the greatest' or 'to be healthy you need to run 5 miles every day' etc. Рекл …
Artemix's user avatar
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6 votes

Usage of "как бы"

It can be thrown away if it is used as "parasite" word (which is quite common nowadays - meaning is similar to "kinda" or "like"). But not in this case. Efremova dictionary states that Как бы is use …
Artemix's user avatar
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2 votes

Human animate plural - двое, трое,

According to many dictionaries this form can be applied to animate nouns that have masculine or common gender or to plural personal pronouns. Here's an article from Малый академический словарь (articl …
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