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17 votes

Are the word ноябрь or any of its forms ever abbreviated in Russian?

There are official abbreviations in the dictionary Русский орфографический словарь: около 180 000 слов / Российская академия наук. Институт русского языка им. В. В. Виноградова / О.Е. Иванова, В.В. ...
V.V.'s user avatar
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Russian pronunciation of /etc (a directory)

People who tend to use the Latin pronunciation in abbreviations (and it's a very common practice) would say "ye te tse". Just like they say "ye dva ye chetyre" (E2-E4) to describe ...
VaNdal's user avatar
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13 votes

Do Russian use the Cyrillic Thousands Sign (“҂” U+0482)?

҂ is indeed a historic relic. It was only used in the letter-based numerals (a system where A = 1, B = 2, etc; ҂A = 1000). It is not in active use for at least three centuries. One can see 10k (or 10K)...
Zeus's user avatar
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11 votes

Russian pronunciation of /etc (a directory)

I've never heard a single IT person call it "e te tse". You can, of course, use either option. But all my IT colleagues call it "ye te tse", since the first letter in /etc is e, ...
RadioLog's user avatar
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10 votes

How do I say "API (application programming interface)" in Russian?

If you want to have a term to use for some official paperwork, like legal documents or technical documents, the other answers provided might be helpful. However, in colloquial speech, nobody ever ...
shabunc's user avatar
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9 votes

Are the word ноябрь or any of its forms ever abbreviated in Russian?

The answer to the question in the title is - yes. A few examples of abbreviated months in Russian: From
tum_'s user avatar
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9 votes

What does в сложн. сл. mean in Russian dictionary?

"в сложн. сл." stands for "в сложных словах" ("in compound words"). For example, "трехдюймовый" - compound word (сложное слово) consisting of two words: "...
Ivan Olshansky's user avatar
7 votes

How do I say "API (application programming interface)" in Russian?

Written out, the term is программный интерфейс приложения. In colloquial speech, one could use: программный интерфейс, just a shorter form интерфейс, if it's obvious from the context that it's not &...
Vitaly's user avatar
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6 votes

IED as abbreviation and term in Cyrillic/Russian

The Russian Wikipedia article cross-linked with the English Wikipedia "Improvised Explosive Device" article via the "Languages" list is
ghostarbeiter's user avatar
6 votes

What's a good translation for "HP" / "Hit Points"?

It's usually "жизнь" or "здоровье". It's okay to say "у меня осталось всего 14 жизни" (I have only 14 HP left) or "здоровья/жизни совсем мало осталось" (I'm low ...
Abakan's user avatar
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6 votes

What's a good translation for "HP" / "Hit Points"?

It depends on what you're playing. When we play LARP in Russian, we typically use the word хиты (sing. хит). When playing computer games, we transliterate HP as ХП (read as [хэпэ]). You may see ...
R.I.P.30.12.21Baskakov_Dmitriy's user avatar
6 votes

Are the word ноябрь or any of its forms ever abbreviated in Russian?

In theory, the correct abbreviated form is the one given in V. V.’s answer. In practice, commonly-used software, typically tailored for English, doesn’t generate abbreviations of this kind. For ...
Roman Odaisky's user avatar
5 votes

Russian pronunciation of /etc (a directory)

It truly depends on the person. Some say "ye te tse", some say "e te tse". That's because the Latin "e" usually transliterates to э, since in the Latin alphabet, Russian &...
sergial's user avatar
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4 votes

Russian pronunciation of /etc (a directory)

I consider /etc as coming from Latin etc, so it's pronounced like ет cетера see
Mikhail's user avatar
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3 votes

What's a good translation for "HP" / "Hit Points"?

Часто так и называют - хиты. "Сколько у тебя хитов?"
user31264's user avatar
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What's a good translation for "HP" / "Hit Points"?

"Жизнь" is actually "life", as in "cats have nine lives", not "cats have nine HP". If you have both Hit Points and Lives, using жизнь for both would be very ...
Marat's user avatar
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What is the Russian equivalent for "circa"?

The word "около" (around, near, about) can be abbreviated as "ок." For example: Она родилась ок. 1990 г.
Iroda Urazova's user avatar
3 votes

How do I say "API (application programming interface)" in Russian?

Bing translate and Google translate say: Интерфейс программирования приложений To me, this seems more correct. I also googled Russian books about programming and found out that there's no consensus on ...
vmsT's user avatar
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Are the word ноябрь or any of its forms ever abbreviated in Russian?

Stack Overflow на русском abbreviates it as 'ноя', which can be seen e.g. if you search for posts from last November: Change the search query to ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Are the word ноябрь or any of its forms ever abbreviated in Russian?

In formal writing, you're most likely use the number 11 as in 26.11.2020 г. Otherwise, just write it out in full: 26 ноября 2020 г. I'm not aware of any formally acceptable abbreviation. Update: I ...
Sergey Slepov's user avatar
3 votes

What does м ж.-д. stands for in the screenshot below?

«м», I suppose, is for the masculine gender (мужской род) of the word, and my guess is that «ж.-д.» stands for «Железнодорожный», something about railways.
Northsoft's user avatar
3 votes

Do Russian use the Cyrillic Thousands Sign (“҂” U+0482)?

No special signs regarding number or quantity are used in modern Russian, only abbreviations like: 5 тыс = 5 тысяч = 5 thousands 1 млн = 1 миллион = 1 million 2 млрд = 2 миллиарда = 2 billions 6 трлн =...
Nikolai  Shevchenko's user avatar
3 votes

What does "дл. тонны" mean?

Looks like the direct translation of long ton. This translation variant even exists in Wikipedia.
Anixx's user avatar
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2 votes

How do you abbreviate the word "рубль" and its derived forms "рубля" and "рублей"?

How to abbreviate the word "рубль" and its forms "рубля", "рублей"? Many authors have done exactly what you propose (used рубл.), and some probably still do. The word ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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2 votes

What's a good translation for "HP" / "Hit Points"?

As a Russian gamer, I have to say there's no acceptable counterpart for HP in Russian. Even in Russian, UI developers leave HP/MP as is because, I believe, no one has ever found a non-cringe ...
Archirk's user avatar
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1 vote

Russian pronunciation of /etc (a directory)

The name of the folder comes from Latin Et cetera (произн. [эт цэтэра] So I pronounce it ЭТЦ or ИТиСи, not ЕТЦ
Иваныч's user avatar
1 vote

Confused about a Russian abbreviation for a particular radioactive source

I found this document in a Google search for ГИИД. You can find detailed information on page 9 of the document. ГИИД-1 is a device used as a source of gamma rays in radiography. The device is a steel ...
Dmitriy's user avatar
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Confused about a Russian abbreviation for a particular radioactive source

It's just a name. And only the authors know what exactly it means. Ask them. We can only guess: Г - Гамма И - Излучатель И - Иридиевый Д-1 - ???
Dmitry's user avatar
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