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6 votes

Are "господин" and "госпожа" acceptable words in modern Russian?

I would say господин/госпожа are very rarely used nowadays! I could only remember Что? Где? Когда? TV show as an example. In most cases when you say Mr./Ms. we say First Name + Patronymic.
Alexander Kudashkin's user avatar
2 votes

Are "господин" and "госпожа" acceptable words in modern Russian?

Nowadays, господин/госпожа are for sure acceptable, though one has to keep in mind - that these words are extremely official. So during common conversation you should avoid these words. Господин/...
Barmaley's user avatar
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2 votes

Are "господин" and "госпожа" acceptable words in modern Russian?

Short answer: It is fully equivalent to Mr./Ms. nowadays. Long answer: Господин/госпожа is a modern polite address, to be combined with the last name. Господин Иванов! A possible polite address ...
Oleg Lobachev's user avatar

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