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24 votes

Equivalent letter for H in Russian?

Russian has no special letter for the Latin letter H; in other words, it's rendered differently. You have to consult a dictionary every time a proper name has an H in it. The most common ways to ...
Yellow Sky's user avatar
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15 votes

Transliteration of the name "Seraphina"

Strictly speaking, it's "Серафима", with "м". Obviously the concept of translation is pretty vague when it comes to names, after all, Peter is not Пётр. However everyone who is named Seraphina in ...
shabunc's user avatar
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15 votes

Russian pronunciation of /etc (a directory)

People who tend to use the Latin pronunciation in abbreviations (and it's a very common practice) would say "ye te tse". Just like they say "ye dva ye chetyre" (E2-E4) to describe ...
VaNdal's user avatar
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13 votes

"Vrra" is a hispanization of which Russian word?

The salutation Ура! Ура! Ура! repeated three times (троекратное ура) is a usual greeting in the army used during parades, official meetings and performed by a chorus of military men. While being ...
V.V.'s user avatar
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12 votes

Why is Max Verstappen's last name transliterated with a Ф ('F') instead of a В ('V')?

Wikipedia indeed mentions that this corresponds to practical Dutch transliteration, as you can clearly see from the article linked. A Dutch "v" is usually transliterated as "в"; we ...
shabunc's user avatar
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11 votes

Russian pronunciation of /etc (a directory)

I've never heard a single IT person call it "e te tse". You can, of course, use either option. But all my IT colleagues call it "ye te tse", since the first letter in /etc is e, ...
RadioLog's user avatar
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10 votes

What is the correct way to transliterate O'Neil or a similar name?

Usually the apostrophe in personal names retains, so we have in translation Юджин О'Нил, Шакил О'Нил and actually a lot of other О'Нилs. The same about Жанна Д'Арк (or д'Арк) or Габриеле Д’Аннунцио (...
shabunc's user avatar
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9 votes

What is the correct Russian spelling of "Trump"?

Сorrect Russian spelling of the last name of the US President-elect, Donald Trump - Трамп.
jdeve1op's user avatar
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9 votes

Is it "How's your name?"?

Как тебя зовут literally means "how do they call you?". It's an idiomatic way of asking for someone's name, and it actually works this way in a lot of languages other than Russian: Come ti ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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8 votes

Communicate to Russians with only Latin alphabet

What you are searching for is translit: Translit is a method of encoding Cyrillic letters with Latin ones. [...] The translit system arose when Russian speakers first needed to write their ...
7 votes

Why is щ transliterated as "shch"?

Let me quote my own answer to a related question, Difference in pronunciation between “щ” and “шь”?: As for щ, it is a long alveopalatal consonant, IPA symbol for it is /ɕː/ (you can listen to the ...
Yellow Sky's user avatar
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7 votes

Do any transliterated Russian names begin with the letter C?

Short answer: normally transliterated Russian names cannot start with C. Long answer: sometimes the name bearer can change that. There is a law (Приложение N 6 к Приказу ФМС от 26.03.2014 N 211) that ...
ttaaoossuuuu's user avatar
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5 votes

Russian pronunciation of /etc (a directory)

It truly depends on the person. Some say "ye te tse", some say "e te tse". That's because the Latin "e" usually transliterates to э, since in the Latin alphabet, Russian &...
sergial's user avatar
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5 votes

Как правильнее транслитерировать/перевести имя Jian-Yang?

Если это пиньинь, а похоже на то, тогда Цзянь Ян, если это фамилия и имя, или Цзяньян, если это имя Подкрепляя цитатой из таблицы перевода пиньиня в систему Палладия jian — цзянь yang — ян
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
5 votes

Transliterating double letters in names

In Russian, double letters typically transliterated as double, regardless of original pronunciation. Note that in Russian double letters do not always need to sound as double either (ex. "параллельный"...
Alexander's user avatar
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5 votes

Transliterating double letters in names

The English name Billy for instance is traditionally transliterated in Cyrillic as Билли and i feel would almost stop being immediately recognizable as itself and would look odd had it been ...
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
4 votes

What is the most common transliteration/romanization standard of Cyrillic?

There is none, really, unless you have to abide by a legal standard (e.g. when making a passport). People use whatever they think is right. From the table on your link, I would suggest that the "...
Zeus's user avatar
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Transliterating double letters in names

Yes, Тили would be closer to the English pronunciation of Tillie, but Тилли better preserves the look of how it's written. In Russian double consonants are noticeably longer than single ones: вёл - ...
Sergey Slepov's user avatar
4 votes

Transliterating English -u- (-ʌ-) as Russian -е-

1.dandy noun [ C ] UK ​ /ˈdæn.di/ US ​ /ˈdæn.di/ ​ a man, especially in the past, who dressed in expensive, fashionable clothes and was very interested in his own appearance: an upper-class dandy (...
V.V.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Russian pronunciation of /etc (a directory)

I consider /etc as coming from Latin etc, so it's pronounced like ет cетера see
Mikhail's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it "How's your name?"?

"Как тебя зовут?" literally translates to "How are you called (by others)?". "Что тебя зовут" is ungrammatical. You could say "Чем тебя зовут", but that's just ...
Dan M.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Как правильно транскрибировать английское имя Nathan на русский?

The vast majority of foreign personal names are transcribed rather than translated into Russian. Among exceptions are nicknames and names from cultures that use unique, meaningful phrases to name ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the most common transliteration/romanization standard of Cyrillic?

As far as I know, the transliteration system depends on the language into which you transliterate the Russian name. For example, Пётр Ильич Чайковский is transliterated as Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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3 votes

Как правильнее транслитерировать/перевести имя Jian-Yang?

As for the question in comments: not too many versions to guess the name meaning. Some real people with such a name/surname are written in Chinese as 杨健 (Yáng Jiàn, 2nd and 4th tones). The first ...
Alex_ander's user avatar
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3 votes

Transliteration of the name "Seraphina"

The main difference here is between translations and transliterations. A "translation" of a name is a fuzzy area to begin with and largely depends on context, date of translation, date of name ...
Unknown artist's user avatar
3 votes

Do any transliterated Russian names begin with the letter C?

Well, the majority of Russian names are of Greek or Jewish origin, but, well, that's been the state of things for centuries, so let's consider them Russian. In that case, there's at least one common ...
shabunc's user avatar
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3 votes

"Vrra" is a hispanization of which Russian word?

Hurrah! From Russian Wikipedia: Ура́ — восклицательное междометие, употребляющееся в качестве торжествующего восклицания, выражающего восторг, радость, общее воодушевление, а также в качестве ...
hinotf's user avatar
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2 votes

what does this translate to in english?

Server overload. [The system] is being serviced. There are several misprints in the original message.
mzu's user avatar
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2 votes

Communicate to Russians with only Latin alphabet

You can add a secondary keyboard layout in Windows and do the same on your phone. You can buy Cyrillic stickers for the keys from eBay (though once you start you get used to the letter positions and ...
2 votes

Can someone translate this shirt for me?

While there are several ways to use the word (e.g. good, well, OK). Once you separate each word it'd read: "Хорошо! Всё будет хорошо!" reads: "Good! Everything will be good!" However a more ...
scotopic's user avatar
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