
A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

How the grammar works: how different forms of the same word can be used, what they mean, how they are composed into phrases or sentences. Use this tag with or without a more precise one (check out "mo…
878 questions
All questions about translation of words, phrases, idioms or collocations from English to Russian. Read the FAQ section about translations; questions asking for translations are off-topic unless prior…
731 questions
Questions about usage of a particular word
654 questions
Questions about the meaning of words or phrases that you couldn't find in a dictionary.
551 questions
Questions about the difference in meaning or usage between two or more words.
400 questions
Questions about the meaning, the origin, and the usage of multi-word expressions with more or less idiomatic or metaphorical meaning.
279 questions
Questions about verbs, both finite and non-finite forms such as infinitives, gerunds, participles. The tag covers formation, derivation, functions, usage and meaning of verbs.
265 questions
The history and the origin of words and phrases.
257 questions
Covers questions about different cases. Case is a morphological category of nouns and adjectives that signals their relation to other words in a sentence.
241 questions
Questions about the pronunciation of words, as they are uttered by both native and non-native speakers.
197 questions
Sets of words or words with specialized meanings that have to be learned.
177 questions
Punctuation is referring to the way the symbols in a sentence indicate the structure and organization of written language, as well as intonation and pauses to be observed when reading aloud.
127 questions
Topics related to finding a word or a phrase that fits a meaning. Describe the intended meaning, connotation, and/or context in as much detail as you can.
125 questions
Now covers questions about the usage of the Russian language in other countries.
111 questions
Questions about adjectives, their short and full forms, derivation, spelling, meaning and usage.
110 questions
Questions about parts of speech that may introduce verb complements and adverbial modifiers, for example, "на" in "я полагаюсь на тебя", or "в" in "я гуляю в лесу".
108 questions
Questions about the declension of nouns ans well as adjectives, numerals and participles, for example, "What ending should I use for this noun?" or "What form of adjective should be used in the contex…
103 questions
Questions on the history of the Russian language, its origin and changes it underwent through the centuries.
100 questions
Questions about the spelling of words. The spelling is the process of writing or naming the letters of a word.
89 questions
Questions regarding the meaning, usage, formation and translation of aspectual forms of Russian verbs.
88 questions
Questions concerning nouns, their form, spelling, functions, derivation, meaning and so on.
82 questions
Words or phrases that have a specific, figurative or non-literal meaning.
79 questions
Covers questions about numerals. Numerals are a class of words (a part of speech) that denote quantity or number like "три" or "трое". Words that denote order ("первый", "второй", "третий" и т.д.) beh…
78 questions
Questions about special language used by a particular group as well as about an informal nonstandard vocabulary composed of invented words, changed words, and exaggerated or humorous figures of speech…
75 questions
The correct way of spelling a word according to the standard in a given language.
66 questions
Questions related to the correct name selection as well as about name spelling.
61 questions
The study of the structure and formation of words and their component parts, "morphemes".
54 questions
Questions which a dictionary cannot answer about set phrases with unusual meanings that can't be properly understood just from the separate words in them.
53 questions
Questions about adverbs. An adverb is a part of speech that modifies verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. Examples: "очень" (very), "быстро" (fast), "нарочно" (on purpose), "бегом" (running).
52 questions
Questions about pronouns and their derivatives
51 questions
Questions about group of words used together to express a single idea and/or having a single meaning.
49 questions
For questions about grammatical gender of Russian nouns or general questions about gendered words in Russian, including appropriate translation equivalents of foreign words from languages that don't h…
49 questions
Questions about difference in usage of words and phrases with close or similar meanings.
48 questions
Questions about different words having the same or similar meaning.
45 questions
Questions about transliteration, or converting a text from one writing system to another without translation. Example: "Надя" - "Nadya", "провокация" - "provokatsiya".
45 questions
Includes questions about plural forms of particular words as well as more general questions about the usage and formation of plural forms of nouns. Maybe it should be renamed into "number"?
43 questions
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