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13 votes

Is it correct to say, "Не врачам этого не понять"?

The meaning is: Non-doctors can't/couldn't/can never understand that. Also, I'm pretty sure that this is a misprint. They probably intended to use the prefix “не-” and not the particle “не”. I ...
Ainar-G's user avatar
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8 votes

What governs the use of "и" in statements containing the conjunction "хотя"?

It means "even though all of them are great writers, your student doesn't know them". In Russian, и, among other things, means "even". It can be used in this sense as a standalone ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the purpose of "то" in a "Если ..., то" construction?

It's an adverb. "Если - то" is just like "If - then". You may drop "то", but the phase would lose some of its completeness.
Alexander's user avatar
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What does "буде будет" mean?

Half of them is an archaic form of “если”: Example from Wiktionary: Буде помещик возьмёт земледельца в дом свой для услуг или работы, то ...
Ainar-G's user avatar
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4 votes

Interpretation of дажe и vs just даже

The sentence doesn't sound correct: The combination "даже + и" is not typical (unlike хотя и, ещё и, etc.), at least it doesn't work in this context. Замедлил is a typical transitive verb ...
Alex_ander's user avatar
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Inflection of particles

This is not a full inflection, i.e. there are no such words as *наю, *наешь, *нает, etc. Rather, this is a case of the plural/respectful indicator -те being added to "imperative" particles similar to ...
Sergey Slepov's user avatar
3 votes

Does бы have to follow immediately after если?

Does бы have to follow immediately after если? No, not at all. Considering a phrase Если бы ты тогда пошёл в театр... бы/б can be moved almost anywhere¹, except in the very beginning of the sentence ...
DK.'s user avatar
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Is it correct to say, "Не врачам этого не понять"?

It is grammatically and stylistically correct. It means: not doctors, but usual people, can't never understand that. It is not misprint. It is particle "не", because it is implied in context as ...
elena_m's user avatar
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Interpretation of дажe и vs just даже

without the context it's not completely clear what this combination is suppose to connote, but i would guess that what's superfluous here is даже, whereas и could indicate that slowing down was ...
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
2 votes

Proper usage for "No X, Y, Z" sign?

The phrase with NO will be Запрещается + Inf. Строго запрещается + Inf. Запрещено + Inf. Строго запрещено + Inf. But bear in mind that is sounds very official and angry. ...
Elena's user avatar
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Proper usage for "No X, Y, Z" sign?

I personally haven't come across signs in Russian designed in a model you mention. Rather it would be a simple enumeration of objects/activities with no fancy formatting. As for the verbiage, the ...
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
2 votes

What governs the use of "и" in statements containing the conjunction "хотя"?

The sentence is incorrect and does not make sense as quoted. It probably was intended to be «хотя все они и великие писатели, вашa ученицa их не знает». In that case "и" emphasizes the ...
mustaccio's user avatar
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2 votes

What governs the use of "и" in statements containing the conjunction "хотя"?

To put it simply, the difference is one of emphasis. When "и" plays the part of a conjunction, it's translated as "and". But here, it's a particle translated as "even" ...
V.V.'s user avatar
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«Хотел ли бы ты» vs «хотел бы ты»: which one (or maybe both) is correct and why?

Грамота. ру. suggests several meanings of the particle ли in different grammatical environments. Your example gives a general question. Both variants are equally used in speech and the difference is ...
V.V.'s user avatar
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Does бы have to follow immediately after если?

Note that the essential difference between your two Russian sentences is in the presence of the word тогда in the second one, while the word order in the first one is just within the usual Russian "...
Yellow Sky's user avatar
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