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AlexVB's user avatar
AlexVB's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
11 votes

Is there an unstressed ё?

10 votes

Как называется явление, когда два глагола стоят рядом в одной форме

10 votes

Difference between «основной» and «основный»?

8 votes

Russian vs Latin

8 votes

Difference in usage between "голова", "душа" and "ум" when referring to one's mind

8 votes

Does "в два раза больше радости" as a whole serve as a direct object in the accusative case?

7 votes

«Да святится имя Твое» or «Да святится имя Твоё»?

6 votes

Is this rule for в/во, с/со, к/ко generally correct?

6 votes

Why is the Russian adverb "уже" not always translated into English?

5 votes

What's the appropriate verb for the following context? (найти Vs. находить)

5 votes

The meaning and usage of the expression "с моей легкой руки"

5 votes

When to use "ведь так", as opposed to other tag questions?

4 votes

The reason why "как это отличается от того" does not work?

4 votes

Which это? Particle or Special Adjective/Pronoun

4 votes

Махать платочком - which specifically and why?

3 votes

Theory behind structures like--/впустую/ вплотную/ зачастую/ вправду

3 votes

Interchangeability of свою and нашу

3 votes

What's the logic behind "походить"?

3 votes

How to parse the phrase "Третьего не дано", especially "дано"

3 votes

Крайний и последний

3 votes

"последствие" vs "следствие"

3 votes

«Мне захотелось пить» - do I want to have a drink now? Or I wanted to have a drink in the past?

2 votes

Какая разница между словосочетаниями "в последний раз" и "последний раз"?

2 votes

How to interpret "которым больше семи веков"?

2 votes

Why was "что ты думаешь" deemed incorrect?

2 votes

Adjectives in -ья, -ье

2 votes

Breaking down the expression "из рук вон плохо"

2 votes

Why say "Не найдется таких слов" in the singular instead of using the plural "найдутся"?

2 votes

Is "что тут будет" enough to express the idea of "what would happen here"?

2 votes

Usage of Вот именно!