Let's consider this sentence:
I'm a member of the Japanese Renju Association.
A member translates into Russian as член, but the grammatical gender of this word is masculine, so I'm curious how I can make a feminitive of that word. You know, the feminitive of учитель is учительница, and the feminitive of директор is директриса. The feminitive of поэт is поэтесса, and the feminitive of акушер is акушерка. How can I make a feminitive of член?
I did some research and saw a suggestion that членша will work, but I couldn't find that word in dictionaries. Is it really a valid, accepted high-register word? And if there's no accepted high-register feminitive of член, I'm curious as to why.
Sure, I'm aware that I can simply say, "Я - член Японской ассоциации рэндзю," but I want to add a suffix to emphasize my gender. This is especially important if I want to say in Russian, "I'm one of the few female members of the Japanese Renju Association." My attempts to translate that into Russian have resulted in the following variants:
(1) Я одна из немногих членш Японской ассоциации рэндзю.
(2) Я одна из немногих женских членов Японской ассоциации рэндзю.
But my gut tells me neither of them is good, and I'm curious as to how native Russian speakers would put it.
(participant) instead of member:Я являюсь участницей японской ассоциации рендзю. Я одна из немногих участниц японской ассоциации рэндзю.
You will need to decide based on context whether or not member can be substituted with participant.