The prefix (and not a suffix) “вы-” means here (in movement's verbs) a movement from a limited space in a wider one space. "выйти" в море, в поле, в степь,в космос, выйти на простор..
"Войти" will mean the opposite,enter in a more limited space. "войти" в комнату, в порт, в бухту ... в женщину:>
As said above - you can "войти в море" also - but this will mean the entry into the very water of the sea. But we don’t say at this style for submarines, usually about life land creatures only. Or, in rare cases (and from coast or air into the sea f.e. - like from large space into smaller) and for an inanimate object, maybe there is a certain metaphor here too - "со стапелей субмарина плавно вошла в море" ... "торпеда вошла в море, как нож в масло"...
Or, for a more global case -"эскадра вошла в Черное Море" (but also from a more unlimited, larger space - from the Mediterranean to the Black, for exampleexample; entering in a limited space, in this view );
The same applies to other verbs of movement, such as выехать-въехать, вылететь-влететь, etc...