The prefix (and not a suffix) “вы-” means here (in movement's verbs) a movement from a limited space in a wider one space. "выйти" в море, в поле, в степь,в космос, выйти на простор..
"Войти" will mean the opposite,enter in a more limited space. "войти" в комнату, в порт, в бухту ... в женщину:>
As said above - you can "войти в море" also - but this will mean the entry into the very water of the sea.
Or, for a more global case -"эскадра вошла в Черное Море" (but also from a more unlimited, larger space - from the Mediterranean to the Black, for example);
The same applies to other verbs of movement, such as выехать-въехать, вылететь-влететь, etc...