Apart from being neutral and/or emphasising the subconsciopus perception, the words with neutrum verbs (another type of quasi-ergative structure in Russian) work as sentences with dummy pronouns in European languages (French, English and German) except that the dummy pronoun is elliptical (non-evidential).
The structure emphasises the active nature of non-living agent (placed apart from the context and/or rhema of the saying) and it can be both reflexive and non-reflexive verbs:
Perfective verbs from participles, while non-perfective verbs are more likely to from quasi-ergative structures with neutrum verbs, but this is not mandatory:
Решено. vs Решилось. (both derive from a perfective verb)
Прояснено / Разъяснено. vs Прояснилось. (imperfective VS perfective)
Most of 'elliptical quasi-ergative structures' work both in Present and Past tenses, where the Present Tense is rendered through the Past Passive Participle of archaic type:
Глаза заволошены / заволокло дымкой.
Горло стянуто / стянуло сухостью.
Грудь сдавлена / сдавило тяжестью.
Пламя окутано / окутало тьмой.
Небо озарено / озарило луной.
Горизонт освещен / осветило багровым закатом.
Ночь разлита / разлило невидимой рукой.
Ум охвачен / охватило прозрачностью.
Therefore, the difference is that:
Деревья свалил ветер => The sentence describes evidential cause / state.
Деревья свалило ветром => The sentence descrives non-evidential cause / state.
Thanks to Fenno-Ugric languages.