I've seen many Russians write "на хуй" separately, or "нахуй" as one word, although I'm 99 % sure it should be written separately. Why is it so often written as one word? (Because the stress on на confuses them?) And is the spelling with a space the correct version?

  • 1
    Please delete the question, it reduces respect to the site because the sentences are used by very uncultured persons. The sentences should be used in the speech only, it's not important how to write it.
    – sergzach
    Commented Jan 5, 2014 at 22:03
  • 11
    @sergzach This is also a part of a language. I don't like this discussion as well, but in other languages (English for example) these words are listed in the dictionaries and no one pretends that they do not exist.
    – Artemix
    Commented Jan 6, 2014 at 8:17
  • 1
    @Artemix This is a part of the spoken language, not a part of the written one. It's a very harmful tendention to use spoken language as written one - often, without any sense. The language has it's emotional aspect and if emotions so 'homely' then they should be expressed in spoken method only.
    – sergzach
    Commented Jan 6, 2014 at 9:48
  • 4
    @sergzach it is very strange to delete purely linguistic question on the grounds you don't like some aspects of the language. Never do this again please. Once there was a wave of troll questions on SE, this is not one of them.
    – shabunc
    Commented Aug 8, 2015 at 4:23
  • 1
    @CocoPop: In the text you copied there is also the third meaning. "Нахуй" is used as a "conjunction". For example "Надень шапку, нахуй". Here "нахуй" can be (and usually is) replaced by other similar words, most common - блядь. That is, "Надень шапку, блядь" is used more often.
    – markvs
    Commented Apr 10, 2022 at 1:26

3 Answers 3


Both spelling are correct since they stand for at least two different parts of speech.

As an adverb, нахуй should be written as one word like any other adverb in Russian.

It can mean totally, entirely.

Как ты заебала, заткни на́хуй свое ебало! (song by the band Evil Not Alone)

Or as a variant of нахуя meaning why?, what for?

На́хуй вы вообще приперлись? (trivial phrase)

Нахуя́ козе баян? (proverb)

A noun хуй preceded by the preposition на should invariably be written separately regardless of what sense it is used in.

In the literal sense (хуй = penis):

Мой парень надел на хуй стаканчик и стал им болтать, чтобы получить звук трещетки... (random quote from google)

In the positive metaphorical sense:

И рыбку съесть, и на́ хуй сесть. (proverb)

In negative metaphorical sense:

Иди на́ хуй! (very common idiom)

Also it may be used as interjection:

Я попью а, нахуй, всё, пиздец, не могу больше. (from the movie ‘Зеленый слоник’)

I tend to think it should be written as one word, but I can’t give any rationale now.

As for the causes for the solid misspelling, I don't think they have anything to do with the stress being on на. Stressed prepositions are still quite usual in Russian: лечь на́ пол, зайти за́ угол, взять работу на́ дом. It's most likely by analogy with directional adverbs such as направо, налево, вперед, etc. That would make a certain sense. However, на хуй in иди на хуй is considered as noun with preposition by the most competent people.

There's an empirical rule: if you can break a stable phrase up by sticking an adjective or some other form between its parts, then they're two separate words. You can definitely modify хуй with an adjective:

Иди ты на большой и толстый хуй!

You can even omit it:

Иди ты на большой и толстый! (really in use)

Try to describe право or лево in направо / налево and you'll see the difference.

All of the above is also applicable to numerous euphemisms of хуй: на́ фиг / на́фиг (нафига́), на́ хрен / на́хрен (нахрена́), на́ хер / на́хер (нахера́).


Следует улавливать тонкую грань в использовании вариантов «нахуй» и «на хуй». Существует наречие «нахуй». Оно имеет смысл «зачем»/«прочь». Также есть одноимённое междометие, которое используется просто в качестве связки слов в предложении. Надень шапку, нахуй, а то простудишься В отличие от наречия, «на хуй» надо понимать буквально. В любом случае, существует проверочное слово «в жопу». Если сомневаетесь, как грамотно написать деловое письмо, замените «на хуй» на «в жопу». Если смысл не изменился, то надо писать раздельно. А если «нахуй» можно безболезненно удалить из текста, то пишется слитно и выделяется, нахуй, запятыми.


  • 2
    +1 for "проверочное слово «в жопу»" :) Commented Dec 21, 2018 at 17:25

I decided to add my answer since I completely disagree with the accepted answer (Dmitry). The expression should be written separately — this is the grammatically correct form. If Dmitry could substantiate his answer, that would be interesting. The reference to the song can't be considered legitimate proof of the expression's correctness (and the song itself could be written incorrectly). I believe нахуй written as a single word is meant to be part of the "olbanskii ezyg".

  • So you believe adverb in Russian may be written separately, don’t you? Commented Jan 5, 2014 at 15:50
  • @Dmitry Alexandrov No, I believe this expression has only one correct form. Why do you think it's an adverb? For example, you can add Russian b-word after every word in any statement, does this make it an adverb? And what about "ebtvoyumat'" - I wrote it without spaces according to your logic. Commented Jan 5, 2014 at 16:29
  • 3
    @DmitryAlexandrov - Adverbs really can be written separately in Russian: под мышкой, на корточках, без удержу, в открытую, etc. As for нахуй vs. на хуй there's an oppinion which is a bit different from your view expressed in your answer.
    – Yellow Sky
    Commented Jan 5, 2014 at 19:20
  • @DmitryAlexandrov - I'd like to note that I don't stick to either oppinion, and I'm eager to find out truth, or call it the actual state of things as for those two alternative spellings.
    – Yellow Sky
    Commented Jan 5, 2014 at 19:24
  • @YellowSky I began to think I have not expressed myself clearly because I do not notice any essential differences between my answer and article you refer (except for I was not sure how an interjection нахуй should be spelled, but anonymous Lurkmore author is quite sure that it’s solid word). Commented Jan 5, 2014 at 19:32

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