Гудеть, гудок
is used in professional drivers slang. You can see this word in the online Словарь автолюбителя dictionary for example. So, the professional driver would likely say:
Я погудел ему.
However, more correct way would be:
Я посигналил ему.
But this would tell the professionals that you are not a real driver, just автолюбитель
(this is like sailors say компас, while non-sailors say компас).
Another interesting term is гукнуть
- which means give a short signal to attract someone's attention. This signal is very short, so it can be done even when sound signals are prohibited by driving rules (in the cities, or by special sign).
It is worth mentioning that it is used in Nabokov's Lolita:
Тут колоссальный грузовик вырос за машиной Траппа и с громом проехал мимо меня, после чего я услышал, как он судорожно гукнул. [В. В. Набоков. Лолита (1967)]