In my university I was explained various grammatical means of making a request, but find it very difficult to understand their connotations. Your language is so rich and nuanced in this regard.
Let's suppose my boss wants me to quickly slice a fish. Or, alternatively, let's suppose that I get a Russian boyfriend in the future and that he wants me to quickly slice a fish for him.
My question is this: What is the difference between the following grammatical means of making a request, in terms of connotations?
(1) Возьми нож и быстро нарежь рыбу! (Imperative)
(2) Взяла нож и быстро нарезала рыбу! (Past tense)
(3) Берешь нож и быстро режешь рыбу! (Present tense)
(4) Сейчас ты возьмешь нож и быстро нарежешь рыбу! (Future tense)
(5) Ты бы взяла нож и быстро нарезала рыбу! (Hypothetical mood)
(6) Чтоб взяла нож и быстро нарезала рыбу! (Clause with чтоб)
(7) Чтоб быстро рыба была нарезана! (Clause with чтоб and passive voice)
To me, Sentences (1)-(7) are just requests to quickly slice the fish, but I feel there must be considerable variations in the connotation, because the grammatical means are very different.
Please help me understand the connotations.