What does "korobchil" mean?
From this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfLeHdTDhUg
Чичен молодой в озере купался,
Русску девку коробчил, без штанов остался.
That is a verb from a Cossack dialect, коробчить / карабчить
, it means "to steal; to deceive". There's another possible explanation, the word can be коропчить
derived from короп
(carp), then it means "to fish, to catch carp", this fits the song in a better way, the young Chechen used his trousers as a fishing net and lost them.
остаться без штанов
(to lose trousers
) is usually used in meaning "to lose all what you have", "to become poor".