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1 answer

What does "У богатых свои причуды" mean?

I don't quite get what this phrase means. What is the idea behind it and when/where is it used.
Maroon Racoon's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Equivalent of "a dime a dozen" in Russian

I was looking up "a dime a dozen" in Russian and the closest equivalent I found was "обычная шпана" on Reverso, but I'm pretty sure this was just a literal translation. The English ...
user87626's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the Russian proverb "После дождичка в четверг"?

I have heard this saying, После дождичка в четверг, a few times before and I tried looking it up, but all I found was a movie and a pretty confusing translation: After rain on Thursday. What is the ...
user87626's user avatar
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2 answers

Лысая башка, дай пирожка - what does it mean?

Лысая башка, дай пирожка - what does this saying mean? I know what it means literally, but in which situations would it usually be used, and where/how did it originate?
MeL's user avatar
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"There are no people, there are no problems" - tell me what this saying is?

Someone once told me there is a saying in Russian which basically translates to "There are people, there are problems. There are no people, there are no problems" Does anyone know this saying and ...
Charlie Allen's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Meaning of the saying "если да то да, а если нет то нет"

Specifically if 2 people were negotiating a deal and it was almost agreed upon. Then side 1 started demanding to add a detail in the deal and side 2 was refusing this addition. Then the side 1 said ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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11 votes
8 answers

"Being wise after the event" - analog in Russian?

I've found that there is a relatively known English proverb that goes like this: It is easy to be wise after the event. I'm interested, is there an equivalent in Russian for the whole proverb or ...
Mirzhan Irkegulov's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

What's the origin of the phrase, "на обиженных воду возят"?

I've always wondered what the origins of this expression are? I looked it up online and found a few discussions on the subject: Link 1: Link 2: http://...
Eugene S's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Etymology of "С дуба рухнуть"

The expression С дуба рухнуть means: crack up, go nuts. For example: Ты что, с дуба рухнул? Have you lost it? What is the etymology of this expression?
Philip Seyfi's user avatar
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What is the translation for "жить захочешь, не так раскорячишься"? [closed]

Since we seem to accept questions of the Russian-to-English format, I'd like to ask you helping me with the translation of "жить захочешь, не так раскорячишься". Which is a famous quote from a movie. ...
Trident D'Gao's user avatar