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8 votes

Why do people say "я никто", not "я не никто"

Because there's no verb. Whenever you have got a verb, you make it negative. Я ничего не сделал. Он никому ничего не сказал. But with the verb "to be"it's different. You say You are nobody and ...
V.V.'s user avatar
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7 votes

некуда vs. негде: when to use which?

The difference is similar to that between куда and где: the former implies a goal or direction ("where to"), while the latter -- presence or momentary location ("where at"). Им некуда идти -- They ...
mustaccio's user avatar
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7 votes

Can I say "я не в доме не прыгал" meaning "за пределами дома я не прыгал"

Совершенно нормальное предложение с двойным отрицанием (double negation), обычно характерное для детской речи,когда ребенку требуется подчеркнуть важность какого-то слова.Both fronting and emphasis ...
V.V.'s user avatar
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6 votes

Управление "не существует" - именительный или родительный падеж?

В статье Менгель С. "К вопросу о падежной вариативности в русских конструкциях с отрицанием" в сборнике "Горизонты современной лингвистики. Традиции и новаторство: сборник в честь Е. С. Кубряковой" ...
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
5 votes

некуда vs. негде: when to use which?

I second other answers clarifying direction vs. location. In addition, there are some nuances regarding whether or not both words can be used. When a verb accompanying "некуда/негде" denotes movement,...
Alexander's user avatar
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Meaning of the negation in phrases like "не должен прочитать"

Usually (usually), imperfective means "should not be doing it": Он не должен это читать // He cannot be required to be reading this and perfective means "should be not doing it": Он не должен ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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Why is the negated adjective written separately here?

You have no idea how many of Russians get worse grades in school because of confusion whether the prefix не should be written separately or together with an adjective. I've down-voted the previously ...
shabunc's user avatar
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4 votes

Перевод вопроса, начинающегося с surely

В переводе точность передачи смысла не всегда соответствует схожести грамматических конструкций. Вариант "Неужели его желание осуществилось?" в этом отношении вполне возможен. Это нормальный русский ...
Alex_ander's user avatar
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4 votes

What does "не" negate in "нечто" and "нехай"?

нехай is not Russian, but Ukrainian, although it may be in use regionally in Southern Russia, Ставрополье and Кубань, which are historically and geographically connected with Ukraine. In нечто не ...
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
4 votes

Is the sentence „Птицы не любят такого леса“ grammatically correct, and why?

So if someone asks me: «Вы любите эту книгу?», can I reply: «Нет, я не люблю этой книги!» or «Я не люблю этой лошади», «Я не люблю жены», «Я не люблю стола», «Я не люблю шкафа», etc.? The genitive is ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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3 votes

"It wasn't until that moment that we understood it." — Как это перевести близко к дословному, и чтоб звучало нормально?

I think you can not find a translation close enought to keep negation ("wasn't"). Without negation, you can say It wasn't until that moment that we understood it. Только в этот момент мы ...
Petr's user avatar
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некуда vs. негде: when to use which?

From your surname, I assume you are German. The difference is very similar to the one between the German “nirgendwo” (for “негде”) and “nirgendwohin” (for “некуда”): Им некуда идти. ≈ Sie können ...
Ainar-G's user avatar
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Use of "абсолютно" as negative sentence-word response

The adverb абсолютно doesn't have a negative connotation. It is a degree adverb meaning полностью, совсем, совершенно and can be used only in terms of confirmation either of positive or negative ...
V.V.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Why do people say "я никто", not "я не никто"

I'd clarify a bit V.V.'s answer. 1) There IS a verb, it is omitted and implied, indeed, but structurally speaking it is there, even if invisible. The proper way to write down your examples would be "...
Arioch's user avatar
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Negation of feminine nouns in the accusative case

Well your assumption is slightly wrong. Correct feminine form of я вижу кота is я вижу кошку, so it it exactly like for negation я не вижу кота/я не вижу кошку. Actually, it is the other way around, ...
shabunc's user avatar
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2 votes

Does "это не значит, что я стану ..." express a determined refusal like "я не стану ..."?

As a native speaker, I would say that не значит here leaves a certain degree of uncertainty, suggesting an intention not to obey (depending on the actual conditions) rather than strict refusal to obey....
Dr_Zaszuś's user avatar
2 votes

Does "это не значит, что я стану ..." express a determined refusal like "я не стану ..."?

Это не значит, = It doesn't mean что я стану тебя слушаться. = that I will start doing whatever you tell me. Слушаться means listen and do as told. It's what parents often demand of their children: ...
Sergey Slepov's user avatar
2 votes

Use of "абсолютно" as negative sentence-word response

The reply doesn't sound correct to me here (it should be smth. like Безусловно instead), it sounds as informal as "я вам абсолютно врал" (as if it were a literal translation from English; proper ...
Alex_ander's user avatar
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2 votes

When to use “спасибо нет” or “нет спасибо”?

Спасибо, нет typically shows that the speaker is actually not too grateful for the suggestion. The version Нет, спасибо sounds (depending on intonation) as a neutral to polite refusal (like, I'm ...
Alex_ander's user avatar
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2 votes

Перевод вопроса, начинающегося с surely

Конструкция "Surely [noun/pronoun] [verb with negation]" подразумевает уверенность говорящего, что происходящее/произошедшее нереально и невозможно, но в то же время передаёт смятение/...
petajamaja's user avatar
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1 vote

Не(двуличен) своим поведением

Наличие зависимых слов практически не влияет на написание частицы "не" с кратким прилагательным. Есть только один случай: если в зависимом слове есть приставка, либо частица "ни", ...
V.V.'s user avatar
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Meaning of the negation in phrases like "не должен прочитать"

I would say - no trick needed. "(не должен) прочитать" has the same meaning as "должен (не прочитать)" - there is no differnce in result: you have an obligation to that book not to be read. There is ...
ksbes's user avatar
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Why is the negated adjective written separately here?

Не важное in particular needs to be written separately i think to avoid ambiguity because there's an adjective неважный meaning bad, poor. Несовместимый i would write jointly. There're rules to this ...
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
1 vote

When to use “спасибо нет” or “нет спасибо”?

That depends on the intonation. спасибо, нет pronounced without special tonal modulations sounds more assertive and categorical and by extension less polite. нет here usually receives intonational ...
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
1 vote

Перевод вопроса, начинающегося с surely

В слове неужели отрицание уже содержится "Не уже ли его желание осуществилось?" в осовремененном синтаксисе "Не осуществилось ли уже его желание?", но в такой форме у предложения нет риторического ...
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
1 vote

Negative prefixes не- vs. ни-

As long as all your examples contain pronouns derived from particles and other pronouns we can talk about pronouns only for a while. In the case Yellow Sky's comment is right. You can treat "не(когда/...
Nimtar's user avatar
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Negative prefixes не- vs. ни-

"Не", either in a prefix or as a particle, means logical inversion, denial, negative; but "ни" means "nothing of the kind/none of the variants/alternatives" (and may have other meanings in some ...
yury10578's user avatar
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Negation of feminine nouns in the accusative case

Unlikely that rule works: if animate, it doesn't necessarily mean using the genitive (or vice versa). In your examples with the affirmative it's always accusative, while both cases are possible with ...
Alex_ander's user avatar
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