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45 votes

Why is the Turkish president's surname spelt in Russian as Эрдоган, with г?

Russian has different transcription systems for different languages. Some of them (Japanese, Korean, Chinese) have been developed by a single person or by a group of scholars, who had invested some ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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42 votes

How should I understand and translate "закатить истерику"?

I think your translation, a bout of hysteria, is more about an uncontrollable physiological process, whereas the verb закатить speaks to the girl’s motives. So maybe ‘throw a tantrum’ would be better ...
Slo_nik's user avatar
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34 votes

Is there a Russian equivalent of "red flag"?

The closest match I can think of is "тревожный звонок" / "тревожный звоночек" (more popular form), like in: Если твой парень никогда не приводит тебя в свой дом - это тревожный ...
shabunc's user avatar
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30 votes

Russian equivalent of the idiom "crown jewel"

It almost complete equivalent, it's жемчужина, like in жемчужина коллекции. Here's an example of real-life usage: Один из коллекционеров марок в Красноярске выставил на продажу жемчужину своей ...
shabunc's user avatar
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27 votes

What does "Бошетунмай" mean?

OK, I've waited long enough and since nobody's answering, I'll do it myself. If a native speaker with no knowledge of the song hears "Бошетунмай", it won't mean anything to him. As for ...
shabunc's user avatar
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27 votes

What is the meaning of: "- Отнеси кота на веранду. - Да уж лежит там."

First of all, you translation is correct and I would not fail you for that. That said, да уж лежит там is a peculiar, if grammatically correct, to put "it's already lying there" in Russian. ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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26 votes

What is the closest equivalent to "Armchair <profession>"?

There is an expression "диванный эксперт" ("the sofa expert"), I think it is almost the same. It could be applied to any profession. Also, there is another one expression - "диванные войска" ("the ...
Dmitriy's user avatar
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26 votes

Why is Tolkien’s “pipe-weed” translated as “трубочное зелье”?

The word зелье comes from Proto-Slavic *zelьje "grass, vegetation" which kept its meaning in many Slavic languages, including Church Slavonic. It shares the root with the word зелёный "...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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26 votes

How do I ask "Really?" in Russian?

There are many phrases that can be used in a situation like this. Some of them include: Правда? or Чё, правда? (Mostly used if you indeed question the truthfulness of what you've heard; the latter is ...
Petr's user avatar
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25 votes

What is this Russian word which means "just a sec"?

Most common variants are "сейчас" (which colloquially is pronounced "сщас" or "щас"), "[одну] секунду / секундочку", "[одну] минуту / минуточку" and &...
shabunc's user avatar
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23 votes

Does «Энергия-Буран» mean "Energy Blizzard"?

No, translation "Energy Blizzard" is incorrect. It assumes that the meaning is compound, where the first noun plays a role of adjective (i.e. blizzard made of energy). But for this to be correct, in ...
Giedrius 's user avatar
22 votes

Почему в русском языке японские названия переведены с 'си' там, где в японском 'ши' или 'щи'

Вы же понимаете, что собственные имена не переводят, их либо транскрибируют, либо транслитерируют. В случае японского языка речь идёт как раз о транслитерации, а именно, транслитерации русскими ...
Yellow Sky's user avatar
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20 votes

Do Russians really use "Расход!" to say, "Let's go!"?

The character is saying расход! indeed, which is supposed to mean "scatter!", as a command. This is not a mainstream word, but its meaning is obvious to a Russian speaker. Russian sports and ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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18 votes

Why is the Turkish president's surname spelt in Russian as Эрдоган, with г?

There are formal rules for practical transcription of Turkic proper names into Russian: Турецко-русская практическая транскрипция According to that table, ğ is transcribed as г and in rare cases as ...
Alex_ander's user avatar
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18 votes

How can I say in Russian "I am not afraid to write anything"?

To eliminate the awkwardness of such double negations a safer approach is to (steer away from English patterns and) use сложноподчиненное предложение, e.g.: Нет ничего, о чём я побоялась бы написать. ...
tum_'s user avatar
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18 votes

What does "калмыжка" mean in this context?

According to this source : Калмыжка. Слово имеет разные звуковые формы в зависимости от говора: калмыжка, калмышка, колмыжка, колмышка. Диалектное колмышка происходит от комлыжка посредством ...
shabunc's user avatar
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18 votes

What is this Russian word which means "just a sec"?

You're probably looking for щас which is just a lenient rendition of сейчас. It's the same as saying "wassup" instead of "what's up" or "ain't" instead of "am not&...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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16 votes

What is the meaning of: "- Отнеси кота на веранду. - Да уж лежит там."

Quassnoi suggested in his answer that the key might be the homonym "уж", which can mean "already" and "grass snake," and this possibility made me so pissed off that I got ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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15 votes

Does the famous Russian translation of Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll imply using drugs?

Absolutely not. It absolutely does not imply drug usage and this is a classic example of overthinking without prior thorough research. There is canonical explanation Dina Orlovskaya, the translator ...
shabunc's user avatar
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14 votes

What is the meaning of "еле-еле"?

Most probably you misheard "еле-еле" which means "with great difficulty", "scarcely". It is a reduplication (intensified version) of "еле" Example: Он еле-еле идет. He's barely even walking. ...
default locale's user avatar
14 votes

How do you say: "You sound German" in Russian?

People don't generally "sound" in Russian; using звучать here would suggest an absurd notion that the speaker themself is a sound. Ты говоришь как немец (male) / немка (female) is one way to say it, ...
Nikolay Ershov's user avatar
14 votes

Why is the Russian adverb "уже" not always translated into English?

"Уже" can be an adverb and an intensifying particle. As a particle it doesn't bear any meaning but is used with words denoting time to stress their duration. All your examples are connected with "...
V.V.'s user avatar
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14 votes

What is the closest equivalent to "Armchair <profession>"?

Кабинетный учёный (your case), паркетный генерал, комнатный (офисный) журналист. There's even a publishing house ironically named "Кабинетный учёный":
Alex_ander's user avatar
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14 votes

How to shortly translate "FAQ" into Russian?

Conventional abbreviation of Часто задаваемые вопросы in Russian Internet lingo is ЧаВо which is clever because it also reminds of the pronunciation of colloquial interrogative word чего? meaning что? ...
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
14 votes

Meaning of "Похоже, ты к нему клеишься"

I don't think any of the variants fits. It seems you're making a move on him It seems you're hitting on him / trying to get with him
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
14 votes

When to use и or а as “and”?

И joins, unites words and clauses, a contrasts them, singles them out, sets them aside. Imagine a photo of Anna and Tom, a married couple. When showing the photo to your friend who doesn't know them, ...
Yellow Sky's user avatar
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13 votes

"Borrow" and "lend" in Russian

Одолжить means "to lend", can refer to money or to anything else. Можешь одолжить мне 1000 рублей до понедельника? Could you lend me 1000 roubles until Monday? Often this word is used ...
Lara's user avatar
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13 votes

What is the word for "troll"?

This word is borrowed directly from English and it's actually "тролль" or "троль" (pronounced almost like English trol but l is softer). It's quite common word in Internet slang and there is also a ...
shabunc's user avatar
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13 votes

"There are no people, there are no problems" - tell me what this saying is?

Есть человек — есть проблема, нет человека — нет проблемы. Wrongly attributed to Stalin: there is no evidence that he ever said or wrote something similar. This phrase from the novel "Children of the ...
Eugene's user avatar
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13 votes

How do I write a name of a person when it is called from far away

That depends on whether you want the literary norm or something informal you could use, say, on the internet. The literary norm would be Ка-а-атя-а-а. Note the hyphen before each vowel repetition. I'...
Nikolay Ershov's user avatar

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