Many Russian verbs have several perfect forms with prefixes "по-"
and "с-"
. "C-"
prefix usually means that the act is complete, while "по-"
means doing something without having a tangible result. Ex. "сходить"
- to go (and come back), "походить"
- to walk for a while.
In case of "делать"
, predominant perfect form is "сделать"
. "Я сделал ошибку"
- "I made a mistake". The word "поделать"
has a much more narrow use. Ex. "Он что-то там поделал"
- "He did something there", the implied meaning is that the work was either incomplete or incompetent.
There is, however, one very common phrase with the word "поделать"
- "Ничего не поделать"
, meaning "There's nothing can be done". Using the word "сделать"
in this case will be inappropriate, unless we talk about an event in the past, when a window of opportunity to fix something existed, but now it's gone - "Ничего уже не сделаешь"
- "Nothing can be done now".
P.S. The typical "incomplete, intermittent" meaning of "по-"
verbs does not hold true when there are no corresponding "с-"
verbs, or the "с-"
verb has a distinctly different meaning. In those cases "по-"
verbs describe successfully completed acts. Ex. "постирать"
- "to wash" (clothes), "починить"
- "to fix". There are no respective words like "сстирать"
or "счинить"
. Ex.2 "помыть"
- "to wash" (rigid object) - the word "смыть"
- "to wash something away" - has a different meaning.