Is there a kind of thesaurus that teaches words based on kinship? An example will make clear to you what I have in mind:
суд - судья́, суди́ть, ...
коне́ц - наконе́ц, зака́нчивать/зако́нчить, конча́ть/ко́нчить, ...
Or a Latin example:
rex - regere, regio, rectio, directio, ...
Got it? Take a simple base lexeme or "atom of meaning" and then list the words stemming from that atom that are among the most commonly used 10,000 or so.
It's not like WordNet, which is a semantic organization, not a lexico-etymological one.
This would be useful for learning native Russian words that are mostly unfamiliar to learners from non-Slavic-language-speaking countries. The purpose would be to learn more quickly and efficiently by benefiting from word similarity and etymology.
To give an example, it's much easier to learn words such as рассле́дование (investigation (cf. Latin vestigium = trace)) or слеже́ние (tracing, persecution) if you know they derive from the word след, which simply means trace.
So is there such a thesaurus, with a URL? Or an established name for such an organizational structure of a thesaurus?