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What should be the proper word ending of the word "посадка"

In a phrase посадку на Луну предшествовали тренироваочные полеты The ending -у of the word "посадка" does not sound right for me. What is the proper ending to use in such case?
koryakinp's user avatar
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"Я учу игре на гитаре" - why "игре"?

In the following sentence, why don't we use the infinitive - играть? What is the logic behind игре? Я Учу игре на гитаре.
xpr34's user avatar
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не верю + Дательный падеж?

It seems in this sentence: Она не верила своему мужу. "Man" is in Dative case. Is this because he is the one the verb is "acting" upon, i.e. the receiver of the action or is it another rule, ...
mathgenius's user avatar
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Two dative objects

I'm not sure if two dative objects are allowed in a sentence. My doubt arose while trying to say Мне нужно ему сказать, что … Here, the only way to distinguish who needs something is the order in ...
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